Chapter 22: Babysitting SuperSon!

Start from the beginning

"Bonnie." I heard Freddy, and stood up, turning around. "Hey Fre-" Freddy hugs me, my face heat up, and Freddy says, "You are very precious~." "F-Freddy~, w-what's wrong all of a sudden?" "I just wanted to let you know that~." I hug Freddy back, and we pull apart, then I ask, "How was the talk?" "Oh. . .nothing to be worried about. I just need to TALK to the higherups today." "Oh, I see, should I come with?" "No need, it may take a bit, and I had a call from the babysitter that they cannot look after Gregory today. I was wondering if you know anyone-" "Don't worry, superstar, I can babysit him!" "But you still need the tour." "There's always next time, and you're going to talk with the higherups, so I'll be left alone. I have time, it's faster than searching for someone who can babysit him." "Hmm. . .alright, Bonnie. I really appreciate you." "No worries~, and I got your warnings about what Gregory might do alone, so I'll head over immediately." "Thank you, Bonnie." I smiled, then gave Freddy a kiss, "Good luck, superstar~." "Bonnie~." We giggled, and parted.

I headed over to Freddy & Gregory's house, knocking on the door. "Gregory? It's me, Bonnie!" Few seconds later, the door opens, and I saw Gregory. . .a smoke & a fire alarm ringing. "B-Bonnie! I. . .I. . ." "Keep the door open, and open other windows, please!" I rushed into the kitchen, and found a source of fire, immediately turned the stove off, made sure nothing caught on fire.

"So. . .you tried to cook by yourself?" I asked, looking at a burnt. . .food on the frying pan. "I was hungry. . ." "Are you o-" I crouched to reach him, check any injury, but Gregory winces, ". . .I'm. . .sorry. . ." ". . .I'm not mad, Gregory. I'm worried, did you burn yourself?" "N-No. . ." He slowly put his arms down for me to see his face, and I smiled, "You still listened to your dad, huh? Not the cooking alone part, but the apron." Gregory had an apron on, just like Freddy told him. "Come on, let chef Bonnie cook you a meal~." "Really?" "Yea, I help with cooking during my job, so no worries. Where's the apron?" Gregory lets me borrow an apron, and I cook him something.

"How is it?" I asked, and Gregory replies, "It's good!" Gregory eats the meal I made, and I felt glad he liked it. "Oh, so your dad asked me to babysit you today, hope you don't mind." "I don't mind. You're fun to be with." "Haha, I'm glad to hear that. What do you want to do today?" "Hmm. . .I want to. . .go outside & play, but. . .Cassie & Gabe went somewhere with their family, so. . ." "We can still go outside." "But I don't know where to go." Gregory's mood seems low. . .what can I do to help him? "Hmm. . .then what do you & Freddy do on weekends or off days?" Gregory's eyes lit up a bit, he smiles, "We play in the backyard, like using water guns, we play hide-n-seek, play games, draw, oh! We bake sometimes, and it's fun! Dad & I go to the park, and play on the playground. He pushed me on the swings!" "Awww~, that is so wholesome~!" "Dad knows how to make things fun. He's the best!" "As expected for my superstar~. Alright! Let's go outside! We can buy stuff for baking! Or for dinner!" "Yea!"

So, we decided to go outside, and to a grocery store. "What do you want to eat tonight?" I asked. "Hmm. . .something warm, like a stew." "Ohhh, that's a good choice. It is getting cold so. But you look warm in that jacket." Gregory was wearing a warm, fuzzy jacket. "It's warm, and look!" Gregory puts on his hood, and I see bear ears. "Oh my god, that is adorable!" "Hehe, I'm like dad." "You are~! Mini Freddy~!" I lift him up, and Gregory giggles, "Ahh! Put me down, Bonnie~!" We laugh, then our laugh was interrupted by someone saying, "Hey! Let that child go!" I turned around, then got smacked by something. "You kidnapper rabbit!" Oh yea. . .I forgot that this happens. . .

A couple mistook me for kidnapping Gregory, and caused some commotions. An employee came to settle the situation, and the couple says, "This dangerous robot tried to kidnap a child!" "Yea, we heard the scream!" Misunderstandings happen, it's like an everyday thing to me, it has not happened in a while, so I forgot. Got distracted by Freddy, and about me joining the band officially. "Stop yelling, Bonnie is my friend!" Gregory says. "Are you this child's guardian?" the employee asked me. "I'm his babysitter, and we've met few times, so yea. We're also friends." I replied. "Who in the world would ask a rabbit animatronic to look after their child?" "Insane, I tell you." These two. . .indirectly insulting MY BOYFRIEND. . .calm down, Bonnie. I shouldn't cause trouble. "Boy, you should be careful." "Why? He's nice." "Rabbit animatronics are dangerous. They've ALWAYS been. Few missing kids incident are rising again." "Dangerous. . ." Gregory says, trailing off, I glance at him, he looked troubled. . .like something is on his mind. "Well, let's calm down, and let us handle this." said the employee.

Later, we got out of the store, we had to call Freddy, and I felt bad. . .plus he sounded. . .mad? Though, he said he's not mad at me. I hope we didn't interrupt him during a meeting or something. "I'm sorry, Gregory, today was supposed to be fun." "It's okay, Bonnie." The employee walks up to us, and says, "Hey, sorry I had to do that." "Oh, it's okay, you had to do as the policy." "You're Bonnie from the event a week ago, right?" "You know me?" "Yea, I brought my kid there, and we both loved your song & music. We're cheering for you, can't wait to see you on stage more." I felt genuine joy from that, "T-Thank you so much!" The employee smiled, and went back to work. Gregory & I started walking home.

"Bonnie. . .are rabbits really dangerous?" Gregory asks. "People doesn't like rabbit animatronics, but it's because of fear. We don't have a good. . .record." "But you're nice." "You & few people see that, but not everyone." Gregory remains silent, I have a feeling Gregory is uncomfortable. . .I want to avoid something like that earlier. . .Oh! I have a place in mind! Hope Gregory is okay with it. "Gregory, would you come with me to a certain place. It's a little far, but we can make it." "Um. . .sure."

We started walking towards the place, it's through some forest. "Bonnie. . .are you sure about this place?" "Yea, it's my homeland." "'Homeland'?" "Yea, or hometown, or birthplace. Oh! I see it!" We arrive, and Gregory says, "Is this. . .a junkyard?" "Now? Yea, but it used to be a factory." I walked up to the area, moved some rubble to let Gregory walk through safely. A crumbled building, fenced around, and no one is around. . .yup, this is it. "Back home. . .it looks a bit more ruined than before." I say, looking at the building. "Is this. . .really where you were born?" "Yup, me & my friend, you've seen him, that red fox at the dinner after event." "Oh, the one who had a knife." "Um, forget that part please." "I know him, dad & I watched his movies. I like it." "Aww~, that's nice~. Foxy & I were made here, we were the last animatronics made before the newer ones overtook, and the factory went bankrupt, got uh. . .like this. We didn't have any jobs, so this was our home." "Huh. . ." ". . .Haha, sorry, it might be hard to understand. Come on, let's go play." "Play here? It looks. . .dangerous." "Maybe, but I'll make sure you're safe. Do you like obstacle course?" "What's that?" "It's like a maze game. Foxy & I built it for his acting career, and I'm pretty flexible thanks to that." "Really? Well, my dad is flexible too." "I can tell from his performance~, and well, it has some memories, I'm sure we'll find it fun."

We walked around deeper into the building, then we found it~. "Behold, the obstacle course~!" I say, showing Gregory. "Wow. . .it looks big." "Haha, it's meant for us, animatronics, so yea, but you can still play around with it." I checked the course to ensure safety for Gregory. I set up some steps so Gregory can play. "Tada! What do you think?" "Wow. . .it looks. . .fun!" "What are you waiting for? Come on, let's play!" Gregory runs up to the course, and I help him give some boost. It's not a fancy playground, but it's still fun. "I made it!" says Gregory. "Amazing! Now, hold that handle & swing down!" I said, and Gregory jumped to grab a handle for the zipline, and slid down onto the cushions. "Whoa! That was so cool!" "Right~? Alright, let's give it another go~." "You said this was for acting, is that like for a play?" "Oh, well, kind of, but it's for something bigger." "So. . .what did you two do?" "We pretend fight here, use all of these props to play, imagine it's a pirate ship & we're in a storm or something. One time, my hop function malfunctioned, and I fell out of the ship." "'Hop function'?" "Yea, I can hop pretty far & high, wanna give it a go?" "Yea!" I opened my chest cavity, "Hop in, superstar~." Gregory climbs in my chest cavity without a problem, he must be used to climbing in it. I walked to a more open area, so I won't bump into stuff. "Are you ready?" "Ready." Gregory responds, and I activated my hop function, then hopped. "Whoa!" Gregory says in surprise, and I giggled, "Enjoy the ride & view, superson!" I landed & hopped again. "This is awesome!" We laughed, and hopped around. How nostalgic, when I first discovered my hop function, Foxy & I hopped around for a day, it was so fun. "Bonnie, I think you're really cool!" "Awww~, thanks Gregory~." Gregory & I played around, till it was getting late. 

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