Thankfully Austin managed enough strength to jump back and pulled Nonna with him, the two did so again and this time they made it back to stable ground. No longer in fear of falling down the mountain Austin knelt and scanned the area, it was a full-blown melee. Pravda's tanks were already mounting for a mass fire while those from Uncle Sam were still disorganized.

Out to the right of his vision Austin saw it, the Tiger. His friends were right there, and he would be safer inside the Tiger 1. But the girl with him, he didn't know where her tank was or which one it was supposed to be. Right now Austin really wished he read up on his opposition and their ranks.

He turned to look at her, she was utterly horrified. He was to in all honesty, but he at least had a way out. The Tiger 1 was right over there and all he had to do was leave this girl behind. Why did it matter if he did? These girls were trying to take down his favorite sport. The same sport his older brother did, the same sport his family loved.

Austin saw a way to solve his problems in one go. A large tree was not far from his position, and it seemed that the girl could hide near it without being at risk of getting hurt by any tank fire. Austin risked it, he pulled himself and the girl up, not once letting go of her arm, and ran towards the tree. Once they got there Austin knelt down and brought the girl with him, he placed her on the ground and motioned with his hands for her to stay low. She nodded and did so, her eyes scanning the arena of tanks for some semblance of whatever it was she was looking for. Whatever, it didn't mean anything to him, he had to get to his tank.

He leapt up and ran towards the Tiger 1. He ran faster then he had ever ran in his life, dodging moving tanks and already impacted shells as he went getting ever closer to the tank. He finally reached it and jumped on opening the hatch above the drivers station and climbed in.

"Austin where were you!?" Hans yelled at him.

"Got distracted for a minute, but I'm good now. Lets roll!" Austin said starting up the tank.

Nonna looked at the back of the boy bewildered as he ran towards his lines. After he had saved her from falling down the mountain and now finding a decent enough place for her to take cover, he just up and left her? She couldn't find the IS2 anywhere she looked but it seemed that his own tank was not far away as he leapt upon a Tiger 1 and hopped inside it quickly. He just abandoned her in this warzone with the risk of getting hurt just to save himself.

Nonna glared at the Tiger 1 and gnarled her teeth. How could he just leave her in the middle of this monsoon of tank fire and explosions? What kind of man does that? Oh if Nonna ever got to see his face again she would punch all his teeth out.

Another explosion came close to her, and she ducked her head again. Her new found hatred for the American boy shadowed by the fear of getting hit by a Tank shell. Soon after Katyusha's T-34 came out from the melee and drove in front of her, covering her from any fire.

"Nonna! Are you alright!?" Katyusha called with a worried expression on her face.

"I'm alright Katyusha, I just need to get back to my tank!" Nanna yelled back. Katyusha pointed back the way she came and Nonna looked and saw her IS-2 not far away.

"It's right over there, come on I'll cover you." Katyusha called again. Nonna nodded and kept close to the T-34 as they moved back away from the melee and towards Nonna's salvation.

Nonna had never been so happy to be back inside her tank, within the walls of 100mm armor she felt safe and could breathe steadily again. Yet her thoughts went back to the American boy who just up and left her. Sure he found a save enough place for her to hid and be protected during the fighting but still, He just left her! Nonna swore to herself that if she ever saw that boy again there would be hell to pay, and she'd would be the one to administer.

Miho woke up close to sun rise. The past few days had been quiet. Rivers had not launched another attack and with the reinforcements from St. Gloriana arriving soon Hoja City would be well withing control reach. Though it had only been two weeks Miho felt it had been months. The idea of a yearlong Sensha Do match would have been a dream when she first started but now it seemed unnecessary. Taking a glance around the room Miho saw she was alone. The rest of the girls are probably already up.

Miho took a shower and donned her uniform and left to find her team. Once she exited the building, she saw St. Gloriana had already arrived. The St. Gloriana girls were setting up shop and Saunders was already packing up. Though Miho heard most of the girls talking about a recent battle. Miho took a look and saw Kay in conversation with Darjeeling over by her Churchill and strolled over to them and over heard them talking about a battle as well.

"Kay, Darjeeling? I've been hearing people talk about a recent battle, whats happened?" Miho asked.

"Miho, Good morning." Darjeeling said.

"It appears that Pravda launched an attack against the American school Uncle Sam up in the Mountain and were defeated in the process. They had to retreat, and the Mountain is in American hands now." Kay said. Miho blinked remembering the Commander of Uncle Sam, Edward Hill, if she remembered right. If he had the leadership capabilities to defeat Pravda, one of the best Sensha Do teams in Japan, then he was certainly a force to be reckon with.

"So what happens now?" Miho asked unsure of what the others were planning on.

"My girls and I are heading North with Kuromorimine to attack the CP up there. Darjeeling and St. Gloriana will be taking our place here to help you." Kay said.

"It'd be a pleasure to fight alongside you again Miho." Darjeeling said.

"Oh, and me as well Darjeeling." Miho said in her well-known awkwardness. Kay chuckled at her before speaking again.

"I better get my things packed. Catch you two later." Kay said wondering off, giving Darjeeling the chance to talk to Miho.

"Would you be able to give me the set up for the city Miho? I would like to familiarize myself with the layout of the city before we engage the Americans next."

"Of course, come with me." Miho said leading Darjeeling to their command area.

Girls Und Panzer Tankery's EndWhere stories live. Discover now