Ch: 33

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Hello lovelies, sorry really I am about the late publishing of this book. I won't make any excuses but I'll make up for it with more chapters and the growth of our couples. Thanks for still reading this book.

"Hold on, this wasn't in the books in class. In one of the martial history class they taught us they said that a war broke out between the 13 species and so the great source scattered them to the corners of the cosmos never to interact again"

Aslan said as he reviewed his memory. The others nodded in agreement and Jinu did not deny it after all that's what happens,

"The great end that came was actually a creature from outside our cosmos but they didn't say that in the history books of some species to prevent panic and fear. I think it was not wise to do this"

Jinu stated as he stretched languidly on the couch. Clark who had just drank a high grade potion to heal came and sat with the group,

"Okay, because fucking fate is very funny and is a bitch that loves to mess with us, The true history if fucking messy but since with how things are. Y'all aren't staying in this small planet, being connected to young master means you are tied to his fate. Rejoice small beans your going far"

After the group heard the very gentleman Clark cursing they knew he's in a bad mood. Still it was a first for them to see a Clark who is ragged with messy hair, sharp glint in his eyes, slack posture and a wild tongue. The group couldn't help but question if this is the real Clark or the normal Clark.

"We have worlds outside of our world called realms. These realms rotate and circle each other and after one epoch which is about the age of our universe multiplied by 2, they collide in some cases and touch surface in others. The great end that brought about the war was actually a mist like fog that came from another realm."

Jinu continued his version of history ignoring the pissed Clark and the dumbfounded group. They'll get used to the outside job Clark eventually.

"This mist was a creature that loved to feast on sentient heavenly daos. When it came here the heavenly daos of our universe united to defend themselves against it. It issued a mission to the 13 species and with that they were able to be united, at the same time they created a great dao together. This great dao is what most of you know as the heavenly dao and our cultivation as the ways of the dao."

Jinu took a sip of water before continuing,

"The magic that we practice is actually the reward this universe was given for defeating a creature above and beyond their scope. After all, this universe was only a few billion years old. And so the war between them began, the group that benefited most with magic was the Humans, Elves, Elemental beings, Celestial beings, Light beings, Dwarfs and Sage beings."

After Jinu took a few minutes to rest, Sullivan raised a question,

"Why are we never taught any of the other species but we know well of the war between the humans and the sages. The elves and dwarfs are Sid to have allied with the humans. Also where did we beasts come from who can use magic?"

"Good question, I shall answer that for you." Clark said back to his proper self.

"You see, the beings able to practice magic are said to be on the light and neutral spectre of division, while those unable practice cultivation and are in the dark side. Humans and Sages were the ones with most mana quantity and quality but the worst in terms of cultivation. Why? They're bodies couldn't handle too much raw Qi and so with the wisdom of the sages they created a cultivation method that allowed input of Qi in small bits rather than absorb all of it directly. Beasts came from demonic beings on the dark side of the spectrum"

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