Ch: 21

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After Jinu finished his daily meditation, he took up his VR kit and entered the game but as soon as he stepped onto the virtual land he was faced with his and Zendrius' castle and he exited without doing anything. His heart ached and he couldn't help the tears that formed in his eyes, this is one of the consequences of finding a mate too early then being separated, his emotions become increasingly unstable anytime he thinks of Zendrius and this causes his mana to be unstable hence damaging things around him.

Jinu curled himself on the bed holding his chest as he regulated his breath, the Rux promise Zendrius made helped to stabilise his mind because once a Rux promise is made the heavenly dao recognises it and upon breaking that promise, the Rux's cultivation is sealed by heavenly dao chains until they finish the trial of consequences. If they fail the trial they die, if they finish the trial the heavenly dao grants them a second chance but not with the same mate, their original bond is broken hence the Rux has to wait or search for their next mate. After taking a few more breaths Jinu decided to read a few bl novels to pass time and watch anime.

A week passed by too quickly for immortals more so for people who live more than 500 years in life, soon it was time for Jinu to go to school. Asviel had already communicated with the Heavenly peak sect and known the rules, the do's and don't but being the Lyvre family the don't were very few. The don't was actually that Jinu cannot kill in the school premises, he cannot use his power to control the school system,he cannot leave for the holidays like the others and shall stay in the school premises for the next 2 years and lastly Jinu cannot leave mid semester and is required to finish his stay in school until the holidays.

Jinu who knew this rules felt nothing about them, all he asked was if he could have a villa to himself and he was granted permission but Asviel must pay an extra fee for that. The family had no trouble with that and so Jinu carried his shadow team and Clark to school, he really didn't want to take care of himself. It's not that he can't, no, no, he very much can but he is dedicated to living a lazy life hence he made a team of powerful people who'll follow him and care for him.

On the day of departure Nelise and Alexin cried while Asviel held Raven bidding Jinu goodbye, a semester was 6 months long then they'd have a 3 week holiday before going back. They'd stay in school for years and only leave after they have achieved the high stage Emperor realm, if one achieved it earlier they'd leave earlier but the sect becomes a second home for all practitioners. One will always be a disciple of the sect even when they leave and venture into their own lives.

"Jinu take care, make friends and try not to kill anyone"

"If you do kill make sure to cover up evidence so that your not expelled"

"You two ladies what are you telling him, *sigh* Son just go well and don't be too lazy, also make sure to bring that thieving pi... I mean your mate home when he comes"

Jinu laughed at the weird but warm farewell,

"By family. I will return stronger and also Dad if you call my mate a thieving pig I'll tell him to beat you up double"

"Aigoo! when the child leaves the nest he doesn't even remember his own father, I'm so so sad. Raven don't be like him at all"


"Why you saying that like I'm a daughter dad?"

"Oh my lovely cared for cabbage is gone, I'm going to destroy that bastard"

"Hahaha dad dream on"

Asviel scrunched his face in displeasure while Raven just giggled and laughed in his arms, Jinu came and placed a necklace on his neck it was a sapphire gem with a black chain connecting to it. When Alexin saw it she couldn't help but grumble about how much Jinu loved his baby brother, at the same time she understood. Jinu unlike others won't be able to come for the holidays, this was a price he had to pay for the comfort he's receiving in school so he'll be gone for years.

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