Ch: 4

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At this point in time, Jinu is currently a 13 year old in an eight year old body this classifies that he has been in this world for eight years. At some point he started to remember some small things like the fact that he was reborn, his assassination skills and others but he can't remember his past life.

Currently he is firmly seated in his room in a meditation position absorbing the mana of the world but in fact he's busy talking with his birth mom inside his core. The air around his room is flowing in a quick manner as though a strong breeze is trapped inside yet Jinu sat peacefully almost as though sleeping.

Clark...his new personal butler could only squat outside the room and attempt to absorb any leaking mana but his young master's body is greedy not letting anyone have some. He could only shed tears silently and sit on the floor gloomy waiting for him to finish.

Inside his mana & spirit core

"Mom! You can't make me!" Jinu protested while folding his hands his feet stomping... it was adorable especially his reddish pouting chubby cheeks.

"Oh I can boy.. who told you to be a genius like your brothers? Mmmh? You're gonna get to Tier 7 before your 10 that's in 2 years because mama ain't gonna be with you from then." Jinu's mom said her chin raised high and her eyes closed but she was also another chibi version of her former self floating around. She didn't have much memories about her life but her feelings are strong especially when she talks of her family, her remaining in spirit form is the ultimate magic skill she used.

"I don't wanna... mama should stay forever! Jinu feels happy to finally have a mama and also a papa and some brothers who I don't know yet but I have family! You can't leave!" Jinu couldn't help but cry.. even though his parents have adopted him he feels a special and unique connection from his blood.

Jinu's mom calmed down on seeing the tears in her son's beautiful eyes and the gloomy atmosphere in his spirit core. It is sad but she has to tell the truth.. it's her policy, always speak the truth even if people want to kill you for it. Her husband used to berate her for that but a little spicy session of physical activities always fixed the issue of her having people after her head.

Jinu is a part of her husband's bloodline and knowing that she understood why he felt impossible to let her go... it's their unique trait to always love the one they chose is their bloodline... *sigh* that husband should be here to help her think.

"Jinu... mama always told you..." she began but on seeing those beautiful red cat like eyes glimmer with more tears she found herself shutting up before rubbing her head in frustration giving in....

"Aaaaah! Okie! okie! You know I always tell you to tell the truth even if it kills you. Mama will never lie to you baby... never! So know in your heart mama loves you and will stay with you but when her time is up... accept it and when your brothers and father come get you.. comfort them"

"But mama I can't ! ... I... I....also.. I can't die so I can never lie, you tell me I'm so strong only my Rux can... you didn't even tell me what a Rux, Hax, Bex and Tix are. Hmph! Mama you're a bad teacher!" He shouted at his mama but his red eyes were shining like gems in the sun.

Jinu's cute voice rang inside his core but the vibrant colors showed he truly accepted what will happen but he tried not to let his mama think that didn't think so. He understood that she's already dead and her being here with him is more than he could ever ask for. He ran around his now sunny core his white hair blowing from the rush of mana entering his core, it almost seemed like wind blowing it.

Jinu's mom looked at her handsome cute baby and sighed happily.... Jinu looked like her at least 95% the other 5% is his father while her other kids look just like their father but with bits of herself... the white hair is their unique species that thrives in the freezing depths of their home land and so is their skin and body physique... those red eyes.. only his father can tell him their meaning.

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