CH: 7

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Zendrius looked at Jinu was still lazily lying in his arms as though he was unaware he was being hugged but at the same time aware and as though he gave his royal permission and used him as a seat to be more comfortable. Zendrius was really amused, he then answered the question Jinu had asked while looking at Jinu who was facing the lake, his back on his chest,

"Anytime except morning since my test is in the morning"

"If you don't mind me asking..." Jinu began and he moved closer to Zendrius, he stretched his neck upwards and Zendruis bent down to give him access when Jinu started whispering in his ear, he stiffened and kept still he just squeezed Jinu gently to his chest, then relaxed again.

"What experiments do you do? Can I handle them?" Jinu whispered and Zendrius automatically knew they have different thoughts on the term 'experiments' he couldn't possibly handle them, if he wasn't powerful enough then he'd have died a year ago. Jinu probably thought it was something easy and not continuous rounds of torture.

"What do you think?" Zendrius asked by passing the question, Jinu knew what he'd done so he stood up and made sure to stand in front of him, his hands crossed on his waist and his tail swishing side to side in slight irritation. Zendrius just looked at him and the sun hit just the right angle making Jinu seem to be bathed in golden, light his golden eyes shining more brightly... Zendrius suddenly felt thirsty and swallowed heavily, leaning backwards to get a better look.

"Isn't it an exam test and blood tests? oh! and a test if whether your scales will shed like a snake beastman and some mana test? I've done some so why won't you tell me openly. If your my friend from now on, I'll tell you I hate lying and I love honesty cause I'm too lazy to think up lies. I will never lie to you so don't do it... I won't forgive you unless you had a reeeaaaly good reason to lie"

Zendrius sighed covering his mouth with his hand to prevent Jinu from seeing his smirk, his beating heart settled as he took a deep breath, this naive cute bun... he's well protected by his adoptive parents... lucky him and Zendrius was happy although a bit envious, since that meant that Jinu will always have this bright yet naughty smile on his face. He didn't want to spoil it for him so he'll only say a half truth after all as a proactive mate he won't want to lie to Jinu.

"My experiments go beyond that, they range to how much attacks physical and Qi wise, which is mana by the way, I can handle and also they test how fast I can shift between half and full form. Can you handle that? Have you had your first full shift? They also test how much damage I can take and how fast I heal.. they also test how quick I regenerate my Qi after draining me. Tell me my little plum can you handle that?"

Jinu drew blank... half shift? There was shit like that? And what the fuck do you mean little plum!! Your the little plum!! But that's fucking torture to him?!!!!

"Why did you call me a little plum! Do I look like that red fruit to you!"

"Your eyes are red and beautiful like a healthy ripe plum, your scent is fruity and at the same time spicy like... you mixed pepper into a fruit smoothie."

That sounds weird and not good to drink... Jinu couldn't help but scrunch his face at the thought. Zendrius watched that face change many times reflecting what he thought and chuckled slowly before busting out in pure laughter. When Jinu heard the laugh he was mesmerized for a few seconds before pouting and jumping onto Zendrius who caught him while laughing. His laugh is so nice he should laugh more.

"Don't laugh or I'll bite your throat" Jinu threatened but the laughter still continues...

Zendrius seems to not hear and so Jinu, annoyed decided to bite his throat specifically at the Adam's apple that was just forming, the laughter came to a sudden end and a low deep growl reverberated from Zendrius, Jinu couldn't help but shiver, his every instinct told him to let go but he was stubborn and didn't let go, that was when his vision was suddenly turned around, the world spun making him a bit dizzy before he settled, his body was on the soft grass, his back was held by Zendrius' hand and the back of his neck was bitten but no blood dropped.

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