Ch: 27

222 12 0

Hey lovelies, enjoy~

A new morning, a new day and a new environment and the first thing that happened this beautiful morning, was a blown up window, a shattered door, injured students, blood on the floor and across some people's face and some small intestines alongside the large hanging on the ceiling. Oh there's also a broken wall that stretched into a few rooms. How did this happen? Well let's rewind time to two hours ago.....

Clark arose at 5am sharp and began his daily preparations, fixed his bed, took a shower, wasted... I mean... used 40 minutes to brush his fox tail and hair then prepared a full breakfast for his young master. At 6: 30 he went to wake his young master who was sound asleep. Without uttering a sound he drew open the curtains allowing the glowing rising sun's rays to flood the room.


"Morning too Tsuna, was the new bed comfy?"


Tsuna, like the good and intelligent creature he is, got up from his plush bed and dragged the sheets in a symbol of making his bed. Clark helped to touch up making it neater , a small groan was heard followed by legs kicking the beddings to the floor and a huge tail hitting the bed's side board hard enough to make a *poof* sound. Jinu was not okay, he hated waking up in the morning especially if it was not for morning sex.

"Get up young master, you have class at 8am but before that, Madam Alexin and Lady Nelise have assigned me your daily training routine. At 6:45 you begin with a 15 km run, at 7:30 you hit the gym and do a full body workout. At 8 you get to class"

"Where's my bl time? Or my beauty care therapy? You don't get this smooth skin and flawless hair by nature only."

"You either wake up early or do it before you sleep"

"Urgh fine"

Jinu slowly got out of bed, stretched his back making it pop and his tail curled and unfurled twitching twice each giving out resounding cracks,

"Haa~ I had an awesome sleeep"

Jinu groaned as he stepped into the shower, to his amusement Tsuna was already covered in bubbles and was actually rinsing off. After a quick and refreshing shower Jinu got out of the bathroom his white long hair dripping water everywhere on his carpet which displeased Clark to no ends and yet, this was his young master, he has to take care of him.

Taking the low noises dryer he began to blow dry Jinu's hair which then became so fluffy almost becoming a second tail. Taking up the light hair brush and quickly fixing his hair tying it a small bun up with a silver and black crown, that had a silver decorated hairpin with dangling jewels placed inside the crown to hold the hair together, the other half of his hair fell down to his mid back. He then gave Jinu their school uniform which consisted of black trousers, a white shirt, a black tie the school's emblem and lastly a dark blue coat that had extended thigh length coat tails.

Overall Jinu looked quite handsome, Clark on the other hand would be staying in the villa, two of the shadow were permanently assigned for the school hours, specifically Vulcan and Canci(ka-n-cy). After Jinu had his healthy breakfast,  Jinu excitedly went to his class, when he got to the corridor he saw Sullivan and Cameron just exiting followed by 2 of their closest servants, one for each.

"Morning ~"

"Morning Jin, Morning Jinu"

Jinu rose a brow at Cameron's nickname but he didn't mind, it sounded nice considering he never had any friends in his past life. Sullivan was as stoic as ever but Jinu couldn't help but admire Cameron's physique and stamina, after getting railed by Sullivan quite hard, according to Tsuna's description, he still had the energy to jump around in the morning no less. After they got to the lobby area they saw Aslan and Lynette waiting for them, they also looked quite amazing in their uniform and truly all students who passed by and saw them couldn't help but admire this group.

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