Ch: 3

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From now Luka will be known as Jinu.
ENJOY ~~ @Arlyne......

When Asviel continued to look at the, one month looking old baby, who was fast asleep on his chest and sometimes playing with his hands he couldn't believe it. Nelise was the same, their terminal in all 635 planets was the most advanced as it could search up anything but what's up with the censored names, skills, titles and what not?

"I'm still keeping him. Actually we should so that we can monitor his behaviour as he grows... according to his stats..... if he ever becomes an enemy to the Tanthur nobody will be able to stop him" Asviel said as he slowly positioned the baby in a way he can carry his equipment easily.

Nelise was a bit worried it was then she felt something in her body as though it was going inside her before she spoke, a sharp chill entered her mind and she couldn't see or hear anything for a moment,

Jinu is good... take care of him and raise him well on my behalf... also sorry for killing your people they tried to take Jinu away from me. I'm living inside his pendant until he reaches 10 and I'll be guiding you on how to raise him well so fret not.

Nelise wanted so badly to ask for her name but she couldn't talk it was like a one way message. When she blinked she found Asviel still cooing at the sleeping Jinu while her friend Dinvo was waking up, looking at her terminal it had not even been a minute but it felt like an hour.

"We'll adopt him and I'm sure we'll be able to raise him well. We can actually crystallise the mother's corpse."

"What corpse?" Dinvo asked and Nelise and Asviel looked behind them and saw nothing but pure ice and snow. It was gone the only bodies left were for those adventures. They then looked to their friend and Nelise acted,

"Why's you hit me! You gorilla woman!"

"Because you almost cost us our lives and woke up our new son and family member. You dumb monkey"

"Oh! where'd you get the cute kid? Looks around a month? And what do ya mean ya lives?"

"Yeah he's a month old also he's the one that terrified you till you passed out." Asviel said proudly deciding to keep Jinu's true age hidden.

Dinvo laughed so hard he held his ribs, teared up and worse he's laughter was loud which started rousing Jinu from his sleep. When he finished he looked at the slightly awake Jinu and patted Nelise on the shoulder,

"Nelise your main man went crazy, there's no way that kid could make me like that. My skill mana detection felt the pressure of an SSS class far worse than you guys that's what made me overload and black out. So I wasn't scared you dammed psycho."

Dinvo narrowed his eyes and dropped his hands over Asviel's shoulder, he leaned forward and watched as Jinu woke up slightly. He then rashly approached the sleeping Jinu with the intent to pinch his nose but before he could get any closer he was put down by Asviel's skill, and stepped on by Nelise grounding him to the ice gold ground.

"Why me!!! I just want to pinch my godson's nose it's not like he's going to fucking wake up!"

Mission failed. Dinvo's loud yell shocked Jinu awake and he opened his teary eyes, he felt his head ache and his ear itchy from the echo of the loud shout, so he started rubbing them but when he felt it wasn't ending he teared up and began to feel his emotions well up. His stomach started to ache again and he felt thirsty because the snow water isn't enough... he was feeling frustrated not being able to voice anything and so he released his frustration how he did these past two weeks,

You better cover your ears.. he seems like he'll have my mate's skill do it! NOW!

Nelise didn't even have time to process she felt her world go silent as she roared,

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