70. "Don't look at him, and don't even think about touching him."

Start from the beginning

"Omg, you're Blayze Colton, right?!" A high pitched female voice squealed from out of the blue, making me jump from the surprise. What the hell?

Blayze's eyebrows scrunched up, his face reflecting both surprise and annoyance.

Someone jumped in the next second before emerging to the surface. It was a blonde haired girl, seeming about my age. Her eyes were gleaming with excitement as if she were a kid in a candy store.

"Omg, it is you!" She exclaimed enthusiastically, looking at Blayze with hearts in her eyes.

I scowled at her, annoyed at the way she was looking at my boyfriend.

Blayze looked at her questioningly.

"I'm Louisa," she introduced herself with utmost fervour. "I'm such a big fan of yours. The biggest! You're my favourite person in the entire world. Omg I still can't believe you're right in front of me." She seemed to have a natural microphone fitted inside her throat.

I'm going to become a murderer. Good thing I can be bailed.

"That's... nice." Blayze replied.

"How often do you workout? My God, those muscles are HUGE. You must be so strong." She gushed. I'm going to throttle her with my arm muscles.

My frown grew deeper, but she seemed completely oblivious to my presence. As if I had an invisibility cloak on.

Blayze didn't reply; he just remained still and silent as if thinking of how to get out of that situation.

"Can I just have a touch..." she uttered, extending her hand toward his chest. Oh hell no.

I seized her hand before it could come into contact with MY man's chest. "Don't touch him." I shot her a death stare, my grip on her wrist tightening.

"Ow, ouch! Let go! You're hurting me!" She exclaimed, squirming to free her wrist from my iron hold.

"Why? You don't like my muscles? Don't you want to comment on my strength?" I mocked.

"Oucchhh." She whined.

I let go of her wrist, before grabbing both her arms and pushing her against the pool wall. "Don't look at him, and don't even think about touching him, or I'll break your hands and shove them down your throat." I threatened, glaring at her.

She whimpered, gulping in fear. "I... I was just—"

"Shut up!" I reprimanded.

Blayze cleared his throat, before wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me away from her. "That's enough, sunshine," he whispered in my ear. "Jail isn't for pretty girls like you."

"You can bail me out," I grumbled, as he escorted us out of the pool. He grabbed a towel to dry me off, while watching me with an amused expression on his face. "What?" I snapped.

"You're hot when you're jealous." He remarked, smirking.

"She tried touching you!" I exclaimed angrily. He held my face, kissing me, dissipating my anger. When he pulled back, he rested his forehead on mine.

"Only you can touch me." He affirmed.

"Exactly." I muttered.

He smiled, before pulling away and grabbing my shirt. "Here. Put this on and let's go back to our room."

I obliged. We both covered up and returned to our room.

"The nerve of some people." I huffed, plopping on the bed.

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