"Okay Melokuhle, goodnight" I hang up, place my phone on the nightstand get into bed and switch off my night lamp.


"Hey, Olwethu right?" I turn around only to be faced with a brown skinned girl, I haven't seen her around so I have no idea on who she is.

"Uhm yeah.... And you are?" I nicely ask. "Oh, I'm Lihle Maphumulo, we're in the same Physics class" She pulls out her hand and I shake it.

"I was wondering if you could lend me your notes, I haven't been present for a few days" She adds.

"Oh of course... Here" I look through my bag and hand them to her. "Thank you so much, you're such a lifesaver" She beams.

"I also heard about you and Ntando" She smirks. "What about him and I?" I hiss.

"Everyone knows that you rejected the hottest guy in our grade, Ntando never fails to get any girl he wants" She says quite shocked.

"I'm not any girl, I know my worth, he's not all that. A little bit of rejection won't kill him" I scoff.

"Unless he's approaching you right now" She sqeals and I quickly turn around walking in the other direction.

"Olwethu" I hear him call out and I ignore him as I exit the classroom. "Olwethu!" He shouts and I stop walking.

"Yho! Nkosi yami ufunani" I glare at him. "Can't a guy just talk to his future wife in peace?" My neck snaps in his direction.

"Yeyi wena! Lalela la, angeke ngibe umkakho. Uyangizwa? Anginandaba nawe ngicela ungiyeke tuu" I turn to walk away.

"Haibo Olwethu'' I glare at him. "I'll see you later Sthandwa" He waves and I calmly breathe in before walking away from him.

"Y'all make such a cute couple" Lihle says in awe. Yho, let Melokuhle hear you say that.

"Uhm absolutely not, I'm not interested in him" I quickly say, trying to avoid any conversations containing any talks about Ntando.

He's not my type, first of all he has a gold tooth, first red flag. He's popular, way too popular with the female gender, second red flag.

He's too persuasive, he doesn't give up. I don't like that... No means NO. "Why not? Just give him a chance, he seems genuine" She tries to persuade me.

"I-Uhm... I have a boyfriend" I lie. "Oh, Wow. I didn't know I'm sorry I shouldn't have tried to-" I cut her off.

"It's okay Lihle" I assure her. "

"Hey Caroline" I wave at my manager as I enter the café. "Hi, Pinky won't be able to come in today. Can you fill in for her at the back, Sizwe will handle the cash register" She informs.

"Of course, I have to leave before six tho" I inform her and she nods in approval.

I head into the back, clock in, get dressed, put on my apron before heading into the kitchen.

"You're back early.... Why?" Zithu frowns as I enter the apartment. "I asked to leave early, cause I don't trust you in this house all by yourself" I partly say.

"Mxm. I'm bored Olwethu, there's literally nothing to do here" He complains.

"You could get a job like anyone else on this earth Zithulele. Try earning something that's not blood money" I state.

"Never mind, I'll just stay here all day He slumps back onto the couch. "Cha, thola umsebenzi futhi usize ngezikweletu, ngeke ngikwazi ukwenza lokhu ngedwa. Nginesikole futhi ngiyahamba ngonyaka ozayo" I confirm.

"Where are you going?" He frowns. "University, far away from you and your 'jobs' " I lie.

"Fine, but don't come crawling when that boy breaks your heart. . . He already tried to kill me, now he's going to kill you too" He laughs at the last part.

"And there you go again trying to indirectly attack Melokuhle... Kahle kahle Yini inkinga yakho naye? LHim and I aren't together so leave him alone please!" I raise my voice.

"How can I when he's clearly trying to take my little sister away from me?" He huffs and I softly smile before answering him.

"Sies, Isikhwele asibonakali kahle kuwena bhuti omdala" I roll my eyes as I laugh at him.

"I'm not jealous of him" He clicks his tongue before disappearing doen the hallway.

"Haibo Zithu! Ngiyadlala nje, buya!" I shout after him as I laugh. "Hhayi, Ngiyeke" He grumbles as he enters his room and shuts the door.

"Ngibuye nokudla, ubungalambile?" I call out and he opens his door a little. "Ukudla kwami" He holds out his hand and I place the take away bag in it.

"Ngiyakuthanda" I say as I blow a kiss towards him. "Okay, goodnight" He goes to shut the door.

"Zithu, Ngithe ngiyakuthanda" I repeat. "Nami ngiyakuthanda sisi omncane" He shuts the door in my face.

"Mxm. Ungrateful piece of shit" I grumble. "Ngikuzwile!" he shouts from the other side and I softly laugh before walking away.

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