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ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 3

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ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 3

"Y-You killed him" She whispers while staring at his lifeless body

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"Y-You killed him" She whispers while staring at his lifeless body. "You killed him" She repeats.

"I had to" I step closer to her. She takes a step away from me. "Stay there" She whimpers as she looks down at the dead body.

I fish out my phone before dialling a number, it rings twice before it's answered.


I just killed someone, three houses away from Leah's party.

Qhawe's on his way. Whatever you do, stay away from the body.

I hang up. "Follow me" I instruct and she shakes her head no. "How do i know you won't kill me too?" She folds her arms around herself.

"If I wanted to kill you I would've done it a long time ago. Asambe" I instruct once again and she gives in following me.

I lead her to the passager side of my car opening the door for her, she hesitantly gets in and I head to the other side.

I switch on the heater noticing her trembling lips and shaking figure. She looks down at her phone and her eyes widen.

Before I can ask what's wrong two black vans with dark tinted windows park outside and a group of people exit the vans cleaning up the scene.

A knock is placed onto my window and I roll it down. "Your old man's waiting for you back home" Uncle Q informs and I nod handing him the gun and he hands me a different one.

He's about to say something but notices the mystery lady sitting on the other side of the car.

"Your mother's not going to believe this" He cheeses fishing out his phone. "What are you doing?" I frown.

"Nothing" He shrugs as he raises his phone and a few clicks are heard. "Bab'mncane!" I raise my voice.

"Yini?" He asks as he walks away. I sigh rolling up the window. I look back at her to find her face turning pink-ish.

Is she having an allergic reaction. "Are you okay?" I find myself asking. "I'm fine" She says with wide eyes.

"J-Just take me home, please" She says after a while. "I'm afraid I can't do that" I sigh. "Why not? I want to go home, I have to be home" She rushes out.

"You know what, it's fine. Just unlock the door I'll walk home" She tries to open the door before I can even answer her.

"I can't let you go anywhere, we need to talk" I say. "Please. I won't tell anyone about what I saw, I just want to go home" She avoids my gaze.

"What's your name?" I ignore her previous statement. "It's none if your business" She looks out the window.

"I'm trying to help you" I lean back into the seat. "Olwethu. Olwethu Nkosi" She breathes out.

"Can I go now?" Her foot starts to tap anxiously. "Not yet" I calmly say. "Please" Her eyes are now filled with desperation.

"Why do you want to go home so badly?" I raise an eyebrow. "Because I sneaked out and If my brother finds out he'll kill me" She sighs.

"Kill you?" I frown. "Not literally kill me, dumbass..." She trails off. "What did you just call me" My back straightens.

"N-Nothing" She mutters while looking down at her fingers. I decide to let it slide as the vans drive past us.

"A-Are you going to kill me?" She asks without looking at me. "Have you given me a reason to kill you?'' I bluntly ask and she shakes her head no.

"I hope that answers your question" I continue to stare at her. I start the car and drive off.

"Where do you stay?" I ask and she types her address onto my gps. I drive out of the estate and into town.

Half an hour from where I stay. I park the car a house away from hers. She tries to open the door but it's locked.

She turns to face me. "If you tell anyone, and by anyone I mean even your stuffed animals about what happened tonight. I will kill you, and the person you tell." I threaten her.

"Please unlock the door" she pleads with tears in her eyes. "Are we clear?" I ask for confirmation and she keeps quiet.

"Are we fucking clear Olwethu?" I ask a little louder. "Yes" She whispers. "Good".

She looks up at me. "W-What's your name?" She asks after a few moments. "Melokuhle" I answer without any second thought.

"Can I leave now?" She plays with the ring on her index finger. "Not yet..." I pause.

"Why not? I promised not to tell anyone. I'll be quiet, you won't even remember me after tonight" She quickly wipes the stray tear that slides down her cheek.

"Tommorow, after school. Don't leave the school premises, meet me at the library" I order and she nods while holding onto her handbag.

"Goodnight Olwethu" I softly smile and she mutters, 'bye' under her breath.I unlock the door and she wastes no time in running out without sparing me a second glance.

I wait for her to enter the house before driving off. After a good thirty minute drive home, I get there at around 01.15pm.

Well... I guess I'm getting into double the trouble today. I unlock the door with my spare key.

"Took you long enough" My mother calmly says. "Before you say anything, I was not planning on coming home late, I had to drive all the way to town and back "I try to defend myself.

"And your sister?" she asks "I have not seen her all night" I honestly speak." Melokuhle, what exactly happened earlier" She continues.

"Angifuni ukukhuluma ngakho" I sigh as I sit down on the couch. "Futhi intombazane? Uphi yena?" She looks behind me.

"Akekho lapha" I answer. "Pho ubab'mncane wakho ubekhuluma iqiniso?" She claps her hands.

"Whatever he said was a lie" I defend myself. "Haike-" She's cut off by a voice descending the stairs.

"Where is your sister?"

"Where is your sister?"

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Saved By A Zungu Prince Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt