Chapter 14 - Christmas Decorating Extravaganza

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Recap: In the previous chapter, the remaining contestants get to compete in the 13th challenge, which is a boxing tournament. Marcel has won the tournament with all of his strength, the rest who made it in round 1 are safe, while Molly, Rayna, Priya, and Ollie are up for elimination. Ollie is eliminated by three votes. Pierce tries to scare Ollie by eating the cookies.

That's what you missed.

Cain's POV

Thank god that I'm safe from the last challenge.

Even if I have skill issues, most in boxing.

Marcel: Hey.

Cain: Yea?

Marcel: About the boxing challenge, you did great with that punch.

Cain: How!? I did what I had to. Plus, I'm not good at punching.

Marcel: At least it's great with both hands. How about this? I'll teach you how to do boxing if that's okay with you.

Cain: Um... fine, *looks away from Marcel* only because I had an urge to kick someone's ass during the reunion.

Marcel: Family reunion?

Cain: Sorta…

Pierce: Is that the reason why you want to learn boxing? Just to kick your cousin's ass?

Marcel: Stop making assumptions about Cain you baked pasta!

Pierce: Baked pasta!? How dare you call me a baked pasta!?

Marcel: Isn't that how reheating the food works?

Pierce: I hate you! You stupid martial artist wannabe!

Pierce went to the cabin while sulking.

Pierce: When I catch you Marcel, catch you Marcel.

Marcel: I bet a toddler can make a fried egg better than you.

Cain: I didn't know that toddlers could do that.

Marcel: It's not true, I am just saying to make Pierce look like a dumbass. Sure, he's an "Italian chef", but he's dumber than you think.

Cain: Oh.

Penny: Time for the challenge!

Marcel: Guess I can teach you after the challenge.

Cain: If you say so.

I followed Marcel along with the remaining contestants to the exact place where we'd do the 14th challenge.

End of Cain's POV

When Adrian saw the small pine trees in the flower pots on the table, he decided to sing a song.

Adrian: Christmas! I don't want a lot for Christmas!

Capri: (Don't remind me of Mariah Carey, but I have to do this to make him happy.) There is just one thing I need.

Rayna: I don't care about the presents! Underneath the Christmas tree!

Cain: I just want you for my own.

Marcel: More than you could ever know.

Priya: To make my wish come true...

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