Prologue Part 3: Arriving to the competition set

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Brayden's POV

I was currently on the plane with Spencer and Capri while Cain is sitting beside Brynn alone.

I decided to play games to pass time by getting my phone from my bag.

I chose that app because it is maybe some multiplayer games related to shooting opponents.

I have a bad start since the opponents are quick at dodging, causing me to hide and let my team take care of it.

And I got shot in the game causing me to lose.

Brayden: Dang it...

I quit the game since I'm not used to this kind of game.

End of Brayden's POV

Spencer noticed Brayden not knowing what is going on earlier.

Spencer: Bro, you good?

Brayden: I'm still not used to this game, so I quit.

Spencer: Hey, it's okay, I can teach you how once we arrived.

Brayden: Oh...

Brayden stopped playing before he fall asleep.

Spencer decided to leave him be and let him rest since the flight is long than he expected.

Capri is listening to music, Molly is looking through the window, Destiny is peacefully drinking hibiscus tea, Rosaria and Priya couldn't stop talking, Cain is spending time with his boyfriend Brynn after a long on-distance relationship, Warren is planning about the inspiration for his next sculpture, Peggy is bored since she couldn't do something, Colton and Pierce are flipping each other off, Adrian was fed up with those two, Fallon was painting the wallpaper in her phone, Gauri is reading a book, Marcel was troubled for earlier and tries to forget about his tardiness, Ollie is trying new food in the private jet, and Beatrix and Rayna are planning on what to bake but would scratch out the ingredients if needed.

After 3 hours of flight

Pilot: Everyone prepare yourselves. We're about to land on the road.

Everyone prepared themselves before the pilot landed the private jet.

Once the private jet has landed, they get their stuff before they go out.

Peggy: Can't wait to compete!

Destiny: If you don't get lost from us.

Ollie: Is there food?

Marcel: Why are you asking this?

Penny: Hello contestants, I'm Penny, the host of the competition!

Pax and Bryon are with her since they're waiting for the moment to open up the portal.

Pax: I'm Pax and that is Bryon. We are her co-hosts.

Penny: So before that, we're going to activate the portal and we'll go in there for the competition area.

Capri: Uh alright then.

Pax and Bryon turned on the portal, causing it to show a different place, and everyone went inside the portal.

Everyone, including Penny, Pax, and Bryon blacked out after going inside.

In a different dimension

Everyone woke up. Little did they know, they're the object versions of themselves.

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