Chapter 11 - Elimination

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Cain's POV

I think I'm starting to get worried about Brynn since he hasn't come out of our cabin.

All I do is to think and reflect about what happened after the challenge.

Is it my fault?

Cain: When will I get to talk to him again...?

Marcel: Is something wrong?

I looked at Marcel. I was unsure if I should tell him.

Marcel: It's fine if you don't want to answer my question...

Cain: *sighs* It's just that, is it my fault that Brynn went inside the cabin and never came out?

Marcel: Cain... it's not your fault, maybe he's stressed out about this challenge..

Cain: So do we let him be..?

Marcel: Just give him some time to calm down.

Cain: Alright..

Marcel: Hey, just to let you know, he will always love you.

Pierce: Or not.

Marcel and I looked at Pierce, who had just responded.

Pierce: Listen here you little gay ass bitch, he will not be there for you whether it's your fault or not.

Marcel: Pierce I-

Pierce: He should have left you since you gave him a hard time. Not only does it stress him out about the challenge that you guys participate in, but it causes him to probably dump you.

Marcel: This is wrong-

Pierce: You know compliments won't get you two anywhere.

Marcel: Pierce shut the fuck up! No one asked!

Pierce: First of all, this is why your mom is dead! And your dad doesn't love you!

Pierce: *looks at Cain* Second, fuck you. And how do you get children by being... Gay!?

Cain: None of your fucking business! At least I can have children from the fact that I'm a female at birth until I become a male!

Cain: (Only if I went back to the normal world and married Brynn since we knew each other for eight years...)

Pierce: Whatever.

We saw Pierce leaving us alone before we continued to talk.

Marcel: Don't listen to him, he's jealous of true love. Plus, he won't get any bitches with his own attitude.

Cain: I wish I could say sorry to him...

Marcel: How about this? You two will apologize to each other. Is that okay with you?

Cain: Sorta... I missed him...

Marcel: Alright, take care! I'm going back to the cabin!

I guess it's only me, since no one is with me currently.


Brynn: C-Cain?

I turned around and saw Brynn who was waiting for me.

Cain: Bry!

I ran to him and gave him a hug since I was worried about him.

Battle For All Challenge (Remastered)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora