Bonus Chapter 3

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Cain's POV

I woke up to hear fighting inside our cabin.

Who is fighting at 6 in the morning? Bry and I are trying to have a nice sleep...

I get up to see Pierce and Ollie arguing about ketchup as a smoothie...?

Ollie: Then if I take a tomato- If I take a god-damn tomato and put it in the blender, it's a fucking ketchup smoothie bro! Ketchup is the goddamn smoothie!

Pierce: So, you're going to sit here and fucking tell me you're going to put ketchup in a fucking cup-

Ollie: YES!

Pierce: And drink it.

Ollie: YES! Dude, if that's what, if that's what it fucking takes to make ketchup a goddamn smoothie! That's what it's going to be! Because it's a fucking smoothie!

Pierce: It's fucking disgusting!

Ollie: Tomatoes the fucking fruit-!

Pierce: Who cares!?

Ollie: Just wait until I prove to you that ketchup is a smoothie!

Ollie left for the cafeteria to find tomatoes.

Cain: Can you two shut up!? Bry and I are trying to sleep!!

Pierce: Nobody asked you gay bitch!

Brynn: What is going on? Who's yelling at my sunshine?

Pierce: Why did you care?

Brynn: That's because he's my boyfriend!

Pierce: Do I look like I give a shit!?

Marcel: That's why you don't get bitches with your bitch-ass attitude.

Pierce: Screw you! You black belted motherfucker!

Brynn: Cain, let's go, we don't want to deal with that homophobic pasta.

Cain: Alright..

Brynn and I left and went to the cafeteria.

Ollie: Where are the tomatoes?

Ollie saw the blender in the trash can.

Ollie: Nooooooo! Come on! Screw you Pierce!! Once I get my hands on you, you're a burnt plate of pasta.

Guess, he doesn't have to prove it to Pierce about what he said.

End of Cain's POV

(The next part is related to the story, so I'll let this one slide for now)

Meanwhile, with Rye and Everest

Everest: So, what are we going to do with this guy?

Rye: I don't know, wait for him to wake up? Or splash him with a bucket of water?

Everest went to the bathroom to get the bucket of water.

He went to Brayden and splashed him with water.

Brayden: Ah! What the fuck Spencer-

Brayden looks around before he speaks.

Brayden: Wait, where the fuck am I?!

Rye: I saw something weird. *looks at Everest* Can you please check it out for me while I interrogate this motherfucker? And bring a weapon in case.

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