Chapter 8: Presenting the Art of Puppets

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Recap: In the previous chapter, the remaining contestants get to compete in the seventh challenge, which is going down the stairs without walking. Demolition Legends won once again due to them rolling inside the air bubble, while Striking Piledrivers are up for elimination due to them reaching down the ground in a second after Demolition Legends had made it before them. Colton was eliminated by 3 votes, which causes Pierce to do a "Take a L" dance, since Colton is out of the game.

That's what you missed.

Marcel's POV

Man, it's been a good day knowing that we're unstoppable after Striking Piledrivers has lost to our team two times already.

Guess that means that we're going to win this one and remain in the team.

Warren: Hey Marcel.

Marcel: Yeah?

Warren: How's the competition so far?

Marcel: Still winning two times already after Striking Piledrivers tried to take a lead into winning.

Warren: That's great!

Marcel: Say, how's life outside the competition?

Warren: It's not bad, I happened to find a store where I can paint a mug or customize a mug in the cafe.

Marcel: Did you try to paint it or make your own?

Warren: I made my own, which is made of ceramic.

Marcel: That's nice, I would visit one if I had time after a challenge or a whole competition.

Warren: Then it's recommended for you to make one.

Penny: Alright, time for the next challenge!

Marcel: Are you kidding me?

Penny: Ah, sorry if I disturb you two. How about 20 minutes? Sounds good?

Marcel: Yes, sounds good to us.

Penny: And don't forget to tell the remaining contestants that we have 20 minutes to rest and enjoy the morning before we do a challenge, okay?

Marcel: Alright.

We both left for the cabins to remind everyone that we could have 20 minutes of rest while Warren went to the girls' cabin to remind them as well.

20 minutes later, they get to have a breather

Marcel: Looks like we have to go out.

Warren: Good luck on the challenge.

Marcel: Thanks, I need it.

I went out of the cabin along with the remaining contestants to meet up with Penny to explain what the next challenge was.

We went to Penny, who was waiting for us, along with the table of art materials and the theatre box that was good for us to do a puppet show.

End of Marcel's POV

Penny: Alright, for the next challenge is that we're doing the puppet show by making not just your own puppets, but also the story.

Penny: I'll give you an hour to make a story and your own puppets. You can add details to a story if you want. After an hour has ended, you can tell a story by having one member of your team to narrate the story. Whoever has the most cheers wins and the other will be up for elimination.

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