Chapter 3 - Hide or get captured

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Recap: In the previous chapter, the remaining contestants get to compete in the second challenge in which the teams decide to pick a short funny video and try to make the host and the co-hosts laugh. After that, they'll rate how funny the short video was. Striking Piledrivers ended up getting 13 out of 15, while Demolition Legends ended up getting 10 out of 15, where Striking Piledrivers has the first win, while Demolition Legends has the first elimination. The elimination is a draw between Gauri and Warren by two votes, which is the tiebreaker. The tiebreaker is about the two contestants pulling out the card from the deck. Whoever has the highest number is safe from elimination. Gauri is safe from elimination by pulling out the 10 hearts, while Warren is eliminated due to him getting 5 clubs.

That's what you missed.

Cain's POV

I woke up and noticed that Brynn was not at my side. I felt worried since he wasn't with me and decided to look around the cabin but there was no sign of Brynn.

I went out of the cabin and saw Brynn looking at the broken glass box. I went to him to ask some questions since I'm confused right now.

Cain: Bry?

I noticed that he still didn't respond when I called him. I decided to hug him from behind but I was grabbed by someone.

Cain: Huh? What are you doing!?

I saw someone cover my mouth to avoid me scolding someone with my loud voice and took me to the bush.

When I looked at someone closely, it was Brynn who grabbed me.

Brynn uncovers my mouth as I take a breather.

Cain: Bry, but I swear I saw you there earlier.

Brynn: Yes, but that one is the shapeshifter who shifts into its target. That's the reason why I hide from that. I can prove it to you.

I saw Brynn take a pebble from the ground before he threw it at the shapeshifter, where it got hit. I saw the shapeshifter shift randomly into someone else that I didn't recognize.

Cain: Okay, I believe in you, sorry if I made you feel worried about me.

Brynn: It's alright my little sunlight, we'll go back to the cabin together.

Brynn and I went back to the cabin without attracting that shifter by any noise we made.

End of Cain's POV

Cain and Brynn went inside the cabin safely while the others were already awake and concerned about us.

Marcel: What happened..?

Brynn: About that...

Brynn is explaining the whole thing about what happened outside their cabin while Cain is hugging Brynn as if he's scared of the shapeshifter.

Cain: That shapeshifter looked like my boyfriend, which, of course, I almost died because of my dumb decision..

Brynn was comforting him by rubbing his head.

Warren: I didn't know there was a shapeshifter outside of our cabins.

Colton: Glad we didn't get out of our cabins for our routines.

Pierce: You lazy fuck.

Colton: This is why your dad left to buy milk and never returned.

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