•Part 34 - REMINISCE •

Începe de la început

Y/n : I have a problem..

He looked at you, questioning.

Y/n : Taehyung. He's my friend.. He had promised to come hang out with us , but he didn't come. He wasn't answering any of our calls , so me and my friends went to his house. And his dog was passed out on the doormat. Probably overexerted from barking and jumping. And all of the cupboards were wide open. Dad he is the-

Y/d : We have to go there. Right now! Let's leave.

Y/n : Why?? Wait-

Yd: I'll tell you on the way. Let's go.

You both sat in his car and left for his house. You sat and stared at your dad's face in anticipation.

Y/d : There's something I didn't tell you. I was the one who interviewed him when he was arrested recently. So I know it all.

Y/n : What?! So.. do you..

Y/d : Yes. I also know that you two are dating.

You flushed.

Y/n : Well, dad I-

Y/d : Now's not the time y/n . I had to tell you this because.. His dad recently broke out of jail.

Y/n : What??!

Y/d : So Taehyung might have been kidnapped by him. But why would he? Does he have something to do with him?

He kept his hold on the steering wheel and thought, with his eyes out on the road.

Y/n : Just when I thought things are beginning to be alright..

You sighed and buried your head in your palms.

Y/n : He's such a sweet guy, dad. He told me everything, all of it. He's been through so much-   why? Just why?

Y/d : I know this is tough for you y/n. It's a really hard time. And I'm proud of you for staying so strong and firm. I can't say it'll all be fine. But we'll try our best. We'll do all we can , hm?

Y/n : Yes.

~at Taehyung's house~

You reached his mansion after the deafeningly silent ride.

Y/n : The door looks like it's open? It was locked when we were here like half an hour ago.

Y/d : Stay in the car y/n. I'll be back.

He left and returned after a long while. You figured he must've gone to check if there was anyone else around.

Y/d : Come, we should go in.

You followed him and entered the mansion. You went directly to Yeontan first and gave him some food and water.

Y/n : Shh. It's ok.

You sat on the couch, and he sat on your lap. You stroked him so he would become calm again. While your dad went around the entire house.

Y/d : I'll see what clues we can find. I'm sure he's been kidnapped. Everything is tidy as you said, but he's left his phone here. Do you know anything that might help us? To locate him atleast?

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