He looks up at me, his eyes filled with fear and worry and he nods snuggling closer to me. I look over at the men in the room and signal them to continue with what they have to say.

Xichen scowls "The "doctor" stole another physician's coat and wrote out the order for the medication. He was wearing a mask so we can't identify him from that, the police are watching the rest of the CCTV footage to see if they can trace when he entered the building and where he exited if he exited."

The doctor steps forward "I am releasing Mr. Wey immediately; I have given the medication orders to be delivered here after I personally check them and make sure they are correct before I send you home. I am only giving him a mild pain reliever until his bones are healed and an antibiotic just in case any lingering bacteria could cause an infection. You are welcome to begin collecting his things and I should be back with his medication in just a few minutes."

I nod to the doctor and watch him leave the room, I turn to the police officer "So what do we do now?"

He bows slightly "Sir we recommend a security detail for your husband for now, we are still investigating and as soon as we find out anything we will contact you and let you know. Until then just be vigilant and don't let him eat or drink anything that wasn't made by a trusted source, this medication can be administered by injection or can be ingested. I would err on the side of caution for a while just to protect him and your baby."

I nod to the officer "Thank you, this is the second attempt on him, you already have an ongoing investigation from when he was kidnapped and beaten. I hope that you are working diligently to bring these foes to justice before my husband or my child dies."

The officer lowers his head and then bows "We will do everything in our power to get justice for your husband sir."

He turns and walks out of the room and I look down at Wey Ying who is still groggy and leaning into my body. "Baobei are you ok?"

He nods "I'm just so tired Lan Zhan but I want to go home, take me to our home in the clouds, please. I want our baby to be safe, I can't, no I won't lose our little one simply because we didn't do everything to keep them safe."

I look at him and see the determination in his eyes and nod "Let's go home Wey Ying, where our family can keep you safe."

He rubs his nose on my neck taking comfort in my scent like he always has, I hold him a little tighter and look at Xichen "Gege let's go home, call AYuan for me and let him know, bring the soulmates and we will contact the siblings when it's time for the wedding. Zhuo has the winter break off and Cheng should be able to take some personal leave, so get AYuan to have him do that and bring all of our family home.

The doctor comes back in with Wey Ying's medications with the reassurance that he has checked them with the pharmacy, personally to ensure that they are the correct medications. I thank him and a nurse brings in a wheelchair for him, the nurse removes all of his leads to the vitals machine and removes his I.V. port. She makes sure to secure his wrist and hand before moving him, once he is free to leave, I pick him up and put him in the wheelchair. Xichen brings his car around for us to leave the hospital and I carefully put him in the back seat, mindful of his left wrist and hand. We leave the hospital and go to our condo so that I can pack our things, I leave Wey Ying in the car with Xichen and go up and pack our clothes, grooming items, personal care items and our weapons and spiritual items. I make sure that we have everything we need including the things we can't just buy anywhere.

I enter the car after putting our luggage in the trunk of the car and I call the tailors to have them get our wedding dress robes ready for pick up. Xichen drives us to the shop and while en route I call for our private plane to fuel up and be ready to go when we get there. It's a short flight from Shanghai to the city of Caiyi's small airport, I call Cloud Recesses and tell them to have a car meet us when we arrive. Xichen goes into the dress shop to pick up our robes so that I can stay with Wey Ying.

I look over at him "You have been quiet baobei, talk to me."

He smiles sadly when he looks at me and it breaks my heart "I'm just worried Lan Zhan, there are people who are trying to kill me and our baby. I feel sort of helpless right now, I don't want to do anything that will jeopardize the health of our little nugget but I feel like I need to do something but I'm too tired to do anything." He says with tears streaming down his cheeks, his lower lip wobbles as he tries to hold it in.

I hug him "I know baobei but I am here and I will protect you both with my life, I won't let anything happen to you if it's within my power to prevent it. You know how I am when it comes to you, you are MINE, mine to love, mine to protect, mine to hold and comfort. You have been mine since the day we met and that has never and will never change, you can rely on me to do the hard things that you can't do right now, don't feel helpless just trust in me to protect you alright?"

He nods and leans into me; I hold him and comfort him like he needs until we get to the hangar. The jet is ready to go, and I grab Wey Ying carefully and carry him to the plane, I put him in a seat and buckle him in. Xichen gives our luggage to one of the attendants who stows it away and then he comes on the plane.

Wey Ying looks at him "Are you coming with us Xichen ge?"

He shakes his head "No I will join you in a few days, I'm going to be bringing Zhuo with me along with Cheng and AYuan."

Wey Ying grins sleepily "Go steal your soulmates and bring them back to Cloud Recesses until they submit." He chuckles slowly.

Xichen nods grinning "Yeah something like that. We will see you soon, be safe."

He steps off the plane and the captain comes on to let us know it will take us about an hour from now to land in Caiyi. Wey Ying looks at me "Why don't we just take a bullet train, it would be faster wouldn't it?"

I smile at him "It would except we never let them put train tracks on our land so there is no train that goes from here to there."

His eyes widen "How much land do the Lan's own?"

I smirk "From Gusu to Biling Lake and the surrounding lands."

He nods "I'm surprised you didn't get more of the land around Gusu since you had the ability to claim it in the last two thousand years."

I smile at him "We still had some of the old rules then, "Do not give in to greed and Do not hold greed in your heart" were in effect for a long time. And of course, since me, AYuan and Xichen are the elders and grew up with those rules it's been a hard road to rewriting our brains to not follow the four thousand we were used to."

The unfastened seatbelt signal dings and I get up and pick him up and put him in my lap, his eyes drooping heavily as he fights to stay awake. I whisper near his ear "Sleep baobei, we will be home soon."

With that, he takes a few deep breaths and falls into a deep sleep cuddled as close to my chest as he can get my shirt held tightly in his fist. I hold him, cherishing the fact that he and our child are both still alive, a tear slips free to roll down my cheek as I rest my head on his and thank whatever deity is listening that I still have them.

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