Dinner With The Rabbits

Start from the beginning

Tails: Don't forget that he also sells lemonade.

Knuckles: And grapes, the actual best thing ever created.

Sonic: Ha! Good one Knux.

Knuckles: What is?

Shadow: Heh. So this really is just a nice little town huh?

Sonic smiles as he put his arms behind his head as he walks.

Sonic: *chuckles* Yeah, it really is. It has slowly started to feel like home to me, to us. And hopefully, it can feel like home to you too.

Shadow smiles solemnly.

Shadow: Yeah.... maybe. *sighs* So, what else are we gon-

???: Mr. Sonic!!

The group turn and see Cream and Cheese running towards them, carrying a basket of food. Sonic smiles and waves at them.

Sonic: Cream! Cheese! Long time no see. What brings you two to town?

Cream: Getting food. Mom needs some ingredients for dinner.

Cream looks at Shadow and smiles.

Cream: Hi there!

Shadow awkwardly waves at Cream. Sonic chuckles.

Sonic: Cream, this is Shadow. He's a new member of our team at Skyline.

Cream's eyes shine brightly and Cheese circles around Shadow's head.

Shadow: What is this creature?

Cream: No idea really. Mom calls him a Chao since all he says is Chao.

Cheese: Chao!

Cheese raises a stubby arm into the air in triumph. Shadow smirks slightly.

Shadow: Tough little guy huh? Bet you could be the echidna over there.

Knuckles: What?!

Knuckles pushes his head against Shadow's.

Knuckles: You think I'm weak or something?

Shadow grins, bearing his sharp fangs as he pushes his head against Knuckles' head.

Shadow: You said it, not me Dreads.

Knuckles: I can take you down Stripes, so does that make you weak?!

Shadow: In your dreams Dreads!!!

Sparks start flying as the two continue to stare down each other until Cream pushes the two away from each other.

Cream: Please don't fight!!! We're all friends right?

Shadow looks away as Knuckles scratches his hat.

Knuckles: Sorry Cream. You're right, no use in fighting someone so weak.

Shadow: Hmph, took the words right out of my mouth.

Tails and Sonic look at each other and both smirk and roll their eyes.

Sonic: Anyways, need any help with the food Cream? We'd be happy to help.

Cream: Really?!

Sonic: If that's alright with the rest of you guys?

Tails: We are on vacation, so we don't got anything else to do.

Knuckles grabs Cream and lifts her onto his shoulder.

Knuckles: Come now friends, to find us some grapes!!!
Cream chuckles as Knuckles walks towards the super market. Tails and Chees follow, and Sonic turns to Shadow.

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