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Darren called me and I answered.

"What do you want."

D- come home so I can talk to you.

"1 hour max."

D- ok.

Time skip--

Darren and I sat at the huge island and he explained everything to sum it up he did cheat on me he loved me but he did it I couldn't leave though because that would me I would be in danger so I had to stay I stood up and he tried grabbing me I was disgusted with him I pushed him off and broke.

"You fucking promised you wouldn't hurt me and you lied and I thought you wouldn't do that...and I thought that someone genuinely cared about me and I was wrong..."

I cried and walked away walking to the guest bedroom i slammed the door and sat down on the floor I heard him swing the door open anger obvious on his face.

He walks up to me and grabs a fist full of my hair and I cried.




he punched me in my face and I screamed i covered my face as he continued to hit me he kicked me several times and I tried pushing him off.


He punched me again and shoved me down onto the floor and kicked me once more as I cried.

"Fucking bitch.."

He walked out and I held my stomach crying and got up sobbing I slowly walked to the restroom and looked at my face I fell to the floor and cried i closed the door and laid down on the cold bathroom floor falling asleep

Song- hostage by Billie

3 weeks later-

It been 3 week and I have done everything to avoid Darren I haven't seen him in 3 weeks because I haven't gone out till I knew he wasn't there anyway I was done hiding and decided to go make myself some food I walked downstairs and in too the kitchen I made myself some spicy Ramen and sat down at the island eating darren walked in and stood there for a minute looking at my bruises I ignored him and ate he walked over to me and raised his hand to my cheek o quickly flinched and almost fell out of my chair I grabbed my phone walking to the pool I sat down in the grass and darren walked over slowly  he neeled down and I moved back some.

D- y/n...

"G-go.....stay away-"

D- please I'm sorry...

"No your not..."

D- I lied...


D- she's not my girlfriend...

"I don't care..."

He sat down beside me and spoke.

D- so...basically you already know Gabe well the girl you thought was nice that stood you up well she is his girlfriend right now we are trying to get her to speak but considering you're past with Gabe we didn't think you would understand why I had to fake date her for that long....I never cheated on you I just didn't want to tell you the truth on a more important note I'm so sorry for ever touching you i shouldn't have done that ever I was mad at myself for being the reason you left me and I took it out on you I'm sorry.

I looked at the pool and waited a minute before speaking.

"You never slept with her or kissed her"

D- no, never.

"All of it was fake?"

D- yes I'm sorry.

I started crying lightly and crawled into his arms he slowly held me tightly and I sobbed after a minute a got up and walked off to my room.

Darren liang /y/nWhere stories live. Discover now