chapter 1

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I was at the mall by myself because my friends ditched me they do that often I never was really the type to have close friend because I'm very quiet and to myself and not into all the "drama" girls are into these days anyway I'm not her to nag about my troubles about friends. I finally finished shopping so I decided to go get some boba I stood up I started walking watching my phone with one bag in my hand which had a diamond necklace as I was walking BOOM 💥  I ran into someone and of course with my luck he was very hot and he someone caught himself Overtop of me both hands beside my face he quickly got up after about 5 seconds and I sat up.

Darren- you should really pay attention yk.

"I know I'm sorry"

Darren- don't sweat it.

He held his hand out and I signed before grabbing it as he helped me up I looked inside of the bag and...


Darren- are you ok?

"I'm ok."

Darren- well your face says otherwise.

The guy grabbed my wrist gently before opening the bag and his eyes bolted opened.

Darren- shit that's a diamond necklace we just broke.

"'s alright."

Darren- no it's not let me take it with me I have someone that can fix it.

"I don't even know you."

Darren- my names Darren.

"Darren who?"

Darren- Darren liang now you know me.

"Well....I guess but can I get your number?"

Darren- if you wanted my number you could've just asked.

"That's not why I want it my necklace remember.."

Darren- right anyway what's your name.


I handed my phone to Darren and he put his number in.

Darren- well I'm heading to boba with a friend do you and your friends want to come?

"Freinds.....they kinda ditched me..."

Darren- even better!

"How is that better?" I said turning my head to the side.

Darren- now you have to come.

"I don't have to."

Darren- I'll take it as a apology for running into me.

"OK deal."

Darren smiled and we walked down the escalators and we walked into the boba store we walked closer to a group of six boys.

Darren- hi guys,y/n these are my friends.

"Oh...hi." I waved awkwardly.

"You said freind"

Darren- did I my bad.

We ordered our boba and sat down at a table all of them starring at me.

I cleared my throat.

Justin- sorry y/n it's just your so....pretty.

"Thank you."

I looked down tapping my fingers on the cup as they all continued to stare.

Y/n- you guys usually do this?

Darren- do what?

Y/n- stare at people?

Oli- sorry y/n no but we've just never seen anyone as pretty as you.

Y/n- oh thank you.

The boys stopped starring and started asking me questions.

Seb- so how old are you?

Y/n- 18 what about you guys?

Seb- 19.

Regie- 21

Kane- 23

Justin- 22

Oli- 22

Ryan- 21

Darren 20

Y/n- cool.

Ryan- so what do you do for work?

Y/n- I work at a restaurant for know.

Kane- how come?

Y/n- well I don't want to work at a restaurant all my life yk.

Regie- what do you want to do then?

Y/n- I want to be a photographer.

Oli- wow that's awesome how come you haven't started yet?

Y/n- well it's kinda hard when you have no customers.

Seb- oli.

Oli- well you do know.

Y/n- What?

Oli- well make a offer.

Y/n- for..?

Oli- if you help us with a photo shoot we'll make people see you and you'll some much work that you'll need help.

Y/n- how are you supposed to do that?

Seb- were content creators all of us were can make you blow up if you want.

Y/n- ok..

Oli- so deal or no.

Y/n- deal.

Oli- ok then you can come tomorrow you can get the plan set up for what theme and stuff.

Y/n- sure. I nodded.

We continued talking and after about 1 hour we decided we should get some rest I got up and grabbed my wallet I felt someone grab my wrist.

Darren- let me drive you home.

Y/n- it's ok It's not that far I'll walk.

Darren- no it's late and cold.

Y/n- are you sure I don't want to be a bother.

Darren- don't worry it's not a problem.

Darren interwinend our fingers which caught me off guard the boys waved bye to me and walked off.

We walked to his car and we got in Darren started driving and I was telling him what way to go we got to my apartment and I got out so did Darren.

Y/n- do you want to come in?

Darren- sure damn your rich rich.

Y/n- not really I said giggling.

Darren- y/n these are the most expensive apartments in town.

I chuckled some before putting in the code to get in we walked up to my apartment and I unlocked the door i walked in taking my shoes off so did Darren I decided I wanted some wine although I wasn't old enough I drank anyway I poured a glass and Darren came up to me.

Darren- your not supposed to drink.

Y/n- I mean I'm home so who's gunna know.

I sat on the counter and Darren walked up to me standing in between my legs.

Y/n- what are y-

Before I could finish my sentence Darren lips were on mine and it felt....

Darren liang /y/nOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora