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I woke up and I was in Darren's bed I sat up and no Darren in sight I grabbed my phone before putting one of my acrylic nails that need to be done in between my teeth as I read a text that was from Darren.


Dar- I went to the store with the boy Justin's there if you need anything love you.

Dar- also,why haven't you changed my contact name??

I chuckled some before typing.

Y/n- what do you want me to change it to?

Dar- anything you want baby.

Y/n- hm ok I'll change it to bird then.

I sent that as I laughed waiting for a response then I looked back down and read the text.

Dar- bro...

Y/n- don't call me that.

Dar- don't call you bro.

Y/n- stop.

Dar - ok calm down cutie.

Y/n- ew don't say cutie either.

Dar- then what do you want me to call you?

Y/n- anything except those thank you very much.

Dar- ok,then don't call me bird for peeks sake.

Y/n- haha ok.

Dar- what do you want to do when I get back?

Y/n- you.

I sat there waiting for a response.

Dar- holy shit,your gunna make me act up.

Y/n- aw that's to bad.

Dar- we'll see about that.

Darren stopped texting me after that I set my phone down looking around his room and it's a mess I figured I would clean it for him I picked up all the water bottles I made his bed and wiped off his bed frame as it was quite dusty I hung his clothes up and put the dirty ones in his hamper I then cleaned up his desk making sure not to touch his wires or his pc only wiping the desk off and taking garbage off I vacuumed and moped his floor then Justin walked in.

Justin- dam y/n you did good I'll pay you to do mine.

Y/n- I'm good thanks. I chuckled.

Justin- well anyway just came to say I'm heading out but the boys will be here in 5 will you be ok.

I nodded smiling

Jp- ok bye y/n!

I waved before he walked off closing the door I layed on the floor signing as I was bored and semi tired then a couple minutes later someone walks in closing the door behind them.

Dar- wow...

Y/n- hm?

Dar- it's fucking clean in here.

I shrugged as I layed on the cold floor Darren walked up to me standing above me looking down at me he chuckled before holding his hand out I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up and brung me in by my waist he looked into my eyes one of his hands rested on my waist he moved my hair out of my face before cupping my face as he kissed me I pulled away a couple seconds later I smiled looking at him it was know 10:00 in the afternoon we walked slowly back intil the back of my nees hit the side of the bed I sat down and Darren kissed me again my hands rested on his wrist as hus hands cupped both me cheeks.

Dar- it's raining.

Y/n- raining?

Darren nodded. I got up walking to the window and he was correct.

Dar- do you want to go.

Darren smiled knowing I love the rain I nodded.

He grabbed my hand as we walked downstairs we walked out to the front the boys were in the living room playing smash we walked out and the cold droplets hit our skin we walked down to the street taking in all the water from the thunderstorm I had on one of Darren's white shirts which revealed my black lace bra I had on as it was now transparent from the rain I had on a pair of shorts underneath with a pair of white converse Darren had a pair of shorts a black shirt and some black converse (both hightops) Darren grabbed my hand spinning me around he brought me in by my waist admiring me.

Seb pov-

The boys were playing smash and I stood up to open the window as it was raining and the breeze would feel wonderful I got up going up to the window to see Darren holding y/n by her waist I quickly told the guys to watch this they got up walking to the window filming tik toks or snapchat we all watched and filmed as they played in the rain this was the cutest thing I had seen.

Kane- teenage love right there.

Oli- that's so cute.

Regie- Jackie would never do that.

Ry- shut up regie you wouldn't even do that.

We left them alone as they laid in the street together letting the rain hit them

Darren pov-

As I laid with y/n in the rain hand in hand i just find it hard to belive that she's mine,only mine and that one else can have her but me how did I get so lucky to have her and what was I thinking closing the door in her face???

Y/n pov-

Darren was quite and I admired the fact that I could tell that he was thinking thinking hard I turned my head looking at him and spoke.

Y/n- talk to me.

Darren- hm?

Y/n- your quiet, to quiet even for my liking.

Dar- just thinkin.

Y/n- about?

Dar- why I closed the door in your face and how I got so lucky.

I looked at him knowing he had some regret but it really was no big deal.

"Darren,I doesn't matter anymore it didn't hurt me the way you think it did you would be surprised its happened before I promise."

Dar- you say that but I don't know if thats how you feel.


Darren liang /y/nWhere stories live. Discover now