Chapter 64 - Rift

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The morning hues came with the brightening of sky ,chirping of birds and the shining of sun. The date at the calender was shifted so was the lives and births, so many new lives would be brought and so many will be ending in the world, today at a new day.

Siddharth was the first one to wake up. He looked around to find her wrapped within herself ,she had her arms wrapped around herself beneath the blanket. A blissful smile made its way at his face as he remembered the events of last night.

What an absolute bliss it was!!

Shaking his head off at the tightening of his payjama's ,he walked to loo and freshened up. After doing so , he came out dressed in a new pair of clothes and freshly showered. He gave a quick glance to the clock ,which displayed it to be eleven by now. He quickly got himself to the work of cleaning everything , starting from the rose petals to the worn out candles, he took a broom and dusted it all off ,making the home all clean. As much as his heart wanted to keep it all the same, the logical side of his brain knew that they couldn't. Given the fact ,that they have a child to take care of. The very child ,who is too young and very curious . Henceforth, to save awkward conversations , he swiped the home clean. After doing the needful he sprinted back to their room only to find her still asleep. He smiled at the sight of her sleeping with a peaceful face on. He walked to her slowly and pressed a light kiss at her forehead before he adjusted her blanket a little followed by the temperature of the air conditioner to a bit lower given the fact that it was a sunny August afternoon , he put the drapes on completely  before casting her a last look as he finally made his way out. He informer the guard regrading her being still at home ,after instructing the old man to take care of the surroundings,he finally left to Naveen's home to get his son back home.


Sana woke up at around twelve thirty , to a growling stomach and a very unpleasant headache. She groaned at the empty bed and the clock before she made her way to the washroom ,wanting to release the pressure off her bladder. After doing her business,she came out and sat down at the bed clutching her head . That's when she remembered that her son is not home followed by her husband too but she assumed him to be out in the house itself ,wandering some where and she was glad about it as well. The memory of the video she has seen last night before falling asleep was very fresh in her head and she really wasn't looking forward for any sort of encounter with him with this painful headache on . Right at this moment ,she really craved for the dainty arms of her son . Although , he has played a part in betrayal too , given the fact that he was there in the video but she really can't blame him given the fact he's just a child . She attempted to stand up but sat back as she found a little chit beside her pillow. She sat back and opened it to read the contents .

Going to pick my champ up and will buy food for us as well , while returning. So don't stress over about food and stuff ,just take a bath and wait for your lovely boys to show up !
Yours love !

An involuntarily smile made its way to her lips and she couldn't help but bite onto her lip to gather herself up .

You didn't trust me ,I'm not like my brother , I don't hide things !

The words ,his words ,those which he has uttered when they had an argument , ran through her head and she sighed .

"May be I can actually handle it a little more maturely" , she thought to herself .

Sighing , she sat down for a minute before getting up and walking out of their room . She took a stroll to the living room and found an aspirin first,after gulping it down with a glass of water she walked back to their room and took a shower.

She has just opened up the door of washroom when she heared the sound of front door being opened . She took a deep breath and made her way out . Her wet hairs were dripping and she was dressed in a loose plazzo and a kurta ,t-shirt of her own. Sidharth felt his heart filling with warmth as he stared at her at the moment.

Bhabhi [Completed] ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora