Jimin wanted to say . It's okay.. he wanted to say it's not your fault.. if he was in better mindset ..maybe he even have hugged Jungkook to comfort him... but right now all he cared about was his Hobi.. his Hobi who he teases every morning.. every night .. his Hobi who sacrificed so much silently just to take care of him.. his Hobi who always have smile on his face..who made Jimin smile more than he ever remember... not smile to please people.. but a smile that comes when you are pleased.. His Hobi whom he couldn't live without... His Hobi who he had fallen in Love with...

So when Jungkook cried in front of him.. saying he was sorry... For the first time..Jimin didn't wanted to say it's okay..its not your fault.. for the first time he wanted Jungkook to keep crying even for a little bit more because he thought he deserve this... and for the first time Jimin was not in hurry to make him feel better.. he needed answers.. he wanted to know why his Hobi is like this.. so instead of saying any comforting words... He said in quiet tone... "What happened Jungkook? Why is Hobi like this? I thought you can protect him" last sentence was said in such resentful tone that even Jungkook body shook hearing it.. his unshed tears starts spilling all over...

"Jimin" came a warning tone from Namjoon.. he is telling him to stop.. to not make it worse . He knows he is being unreasonable.. but he was fine until now.. even worried about Jungkook wellbeing.. but when he saw Jungkook's face.. his uninjured self.. his apologetic eyes... He just couldn't control resentment to fill his words...

He opted to keep his quiet . He couldn't trust his words or his mood right now.. he knew he is going to make things worse if he keep talking... So he looked at Jungkook one last time.. and then back at Namjoon.. who was telling him to stop with his eyes.. he finally let out a sigh and with great effort squeeze out a sentence in a tone which doesn't have a trace of blame or resent towards Jungkook.. "i just want to know what happened.. i am worried Jungkook..please" after that he didn't say anything.. not until he can calm himself down ..

Jungkook who was crying took deep breaths.. even if he felt hurt from Jimin's words he didn't say anything.. because in his mind.. he is to blame of what happened to Hobi hyung.

He cannot do anything at that time nor he can do anything here..

So instead he focused on doing what he can.. that is giving Jimin answers he desperately wanted..

"Let's wait for Yoongi.. I called him.. he is heading back" Namjoon told Jungkook who was about to speak .. he just nodded.

Yoongi came back after 5 minutes.. he searched with his eyes and saw three people sitting in waiting area. he saw Jungkook who has composed himself but still looking down..and lost in thoughts..and Jimin who was staring off in distance... Worry covering his face.. Namjoon who was sitting in between them.. one hand on Jimin's thigh...and other on Jungkook's back..both serving the same purpose .. telling the other one that he is there with them.... he was the only one who noticed his arrival and called out.. "hyung" in greeting.. finally making other two look up...

He walked up to them and sat beside Jungkook.. patting him on his back in silent reassurance.. making the younger guy shiver in response from the touch.... it made Yoongi frown but he let it slide.. the boy had been through enough to shake him to the core for the night....

He sat down and looked up at Namjoon questiongly... Who just nodded and nudge Jungkook slowly.. "Jungkook you can talk.. everyone is here now.. Jin and Tae is on call.. tell us what happened"

And thus Jungkook began retelling the whole story.. he told everything.. about Hobi being threatend.. .about Jackson's father, about the plan they made.. about their speculation of Dr. John being there and Hobi's insistence to follow.. about drugs and the bomb... About blackmail and Hobi's action..about how everything ended.. he kept talking for hours..or maybe that how exhausting his day was that retelling it felt like hours..maybe it was just minutes.. but he knew he spoke for so long that his throat had become dry... Everyone listened... No one uttered a single word in between.. there were gasps of shock or grunts of disgusts.. there were clenching of fists in order to control anger.. there were emotions of relief and sorrow.. there were dread...or 'oh' of realisation.. there were many emotions.. but no one interrupted Jungkook until he relived his whole day..and told every single thing he can think of...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2023 ⏰

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