60. "Go on. Kill me. Now's the perfect chance."

Start from the beginning

My heart ached again at the mention of his name. "I don't need him or anyone else." I asserted.

He chuckled darkly. "So you were with him just for the orgasms?"

I glowered at him. "Do not speak to me that way."

"Save it, Mihrimah. You've been sleeping with him, and here..." he dug into his pants pocket, pulling out a photograph. "Is the proof." He finished. My mouth hung open in shock, a shiver running down my spine. I felt frozen and paralysed. It was a picture of me and Blayze. A very indecent one. From when we had sex at the charity ball.

"You... how do you—"

His dark laughter cut me off. "You should've been careful, Mihr. Just imagine if this picture circulated on the internet..."

"Carter!" I raised my voice, glaring at him.

"Blayze had an angrier reaction." He remarked, almost nonchalantly.

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

"There are more photos, Mihr. Ezra showed them all to Blayze." He told.

My mouth hung open in shock once again, my head spinning. "Blayze knows about these photos?"

"He gave Ezra one of his billion dollar projects or something in exchange for protecting your reputation." He laughed sarcastically at the end. I was extremely confused. Why would Blayze do that? His words that wrung my heart apart were a contradiction to this. How could he say he felt nothing for me then give away one of his projects just for my sake?

"He's such a fool though," Carter scoffed. "He really thought Ezra would leave you alone with just that. I don't understand why people praise his so called intelligence so much."

I was utterly confused. On one hand, Blayze broke my heart into pieces and on the other, he was trying to protect my reputation? What even was going on in his head? What exactly was he trying to do?

"If you don't want to eat, fine. Starve." He said, interrupting my thoughts. I didn't respond, letting him carry the tray out of the room. I could hear the door being locked from outside.

I moved my head around to look at my surroundings. I was in what looked like an attic. Cobwebs hung from the ceiling, and it looked like it hadn't been cleaned in ages. The only light source that dimly illuminated the room was a small bulb in the corner.

I wondered what exactly Ezra had planned out for me. My gut feeling told me it was something worse than plain death. But then again, what could hurt me more than Blayze's words?


*Blayze's POV*

It had been 36 hours since Mihrimah had gone missing. The police was searching for her all over the city. Meanwhile, I was conducting my own search, digging into whatever information I could find on Ezra. I needed to find where he was. This was obviously all his doing. I should have known better. I should have known that he wouldn't let go of all this so easily. I was an idiot for believing he would leave Mihrimah alone just like that.

Whenever I would feel that I had put some puzzle pieces in place, more pieces would show up, making it more of a confusing mess. Nothing made sense.

Slamming the table, I held my head in my hands. I couldn't be that way. I had to find Mihrimah as soon as possible. She needed me. God knew what she was going through, if she was even okay.

My phone buzzed with a text from one of my workers.

Mr. Colton, we did some digging, and there's apparently a functional building right where Caleb Greene used to run his illegal affairs.

I felt an adrenaline rush, as hope swirled within me. Something felt like I was close to finding her now.

I typed in a reply.

Is it confirmed to be owned by Ezra?

A reply came through a few seconds later.

Records say it's owned by some Edgar Shawn. But I feel like we should raid the place. Ezra wouldn't ideally register the place with his own name.

Made sense. I quickly grabbed my phone and my gun, before storming out of my house.

I'll find you, Mihrimah. I'll do whatever it takes.



Do you guys believe Blayze will be able to find Mihrimah? (Because I don't. He messed up bad, and that's got to have consequences, right?)

What's Ezra going to do with Mihrimah? 🤔

Do vote and comment. I'll see you guys next Saturday.

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