Yami's outing

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♕Question of the day: Do mermaids lay eggs?♔

(POV, i can't be bothered to figure out wich one anymore, in not english.)

You had been sitting on your bed, slowly watching the bones of your finger reform. You had been staring at your grotesque hand all night, the bags under your (e/c) eyes had never been this bad.

It was like watching a plant grow.... If you stared at it, it was barely noticable that anything changed. But after looking away for a bit, you defenitly saw growth. 

It had been a great anatomical lesson, you never tought you'd see the separate muscles per layer of... of hand, like this.

And it didn't eve hurt... It was a bit uncomfrotable, but you'd put up with that if it meant getting your whole hand back!

You blink tiredly as you move the lower part of your regenerated hands. The half grown back bones moved slightly due to the lower muscles in your hand.

What did Kai say... Two days? Where you came from, if you lost a hand, it would never come back...

A sudden knock on your door snapped your gaze off of your hand. Were your squad mates up yet? Was it that late already?

You glance at the window, and indeed, the sun glazed over the treetops with a warm orange glow, casting the same hue on your small room.

"Come in." You yell out rather quietly, tired...

The door squeeks open and there he stands, all intimidating and tired looking, cigarette clenched between his teeth.

"Come on, we're going to the capital to get that fix-" Yami stopped mid sentace as he glanced over at your hand. He had a poorly matching shocked face on. You rather enjoyed catching people off guard.

"What... did you do?" Yami asks in disbelief, you sort of wiggle the little finger bones you have. It's not like it was bleeding or creepy. Just... regrowing. A biology major might have enjoyed the sight.

"Not alot, really, it just began doing that." You answered, it wasn't really a lie, you just left some bits out as revealing Kai now would just be very anticlimatic to the story.

"Y/N, don't lie to me. What spell did you use?" Yami scoffs and takes your wrist in his hand, the man reeked of smoke and you resisted the urge to cough like a child trying to make a smoker feel bad.

"None, I just sat here." You shrug. You were impressed at your own ability to look this non caring and annoy people at the same time.

"We're still going to the capital, for all I know, you messed up." Yami sneers and drags you along. It's as if he was mad that you fixed it yourself.

Maybe he just wanted to go to the capital...?

"Don't touch anything in there, got it?" Yami warned you, as if you'd break anything... You weren't Asta.... Or Luck... Or Magna... Or- You get the point.

You nod and he opens the door to whatever healer they have here.

Looks like a medival hospital room to you. Books.. vials.. some beds.

Yami had left you standing in the middle of the room to go talk to the healer about your situation. So yo ugot to just look around, and look at your now even more regenerated hand. You had all your bones back!

Now just... ya know... the rest.

'Hey Kai, if they heal me now, will it mess anything up?' You ask in your head as you try to move your fingers.

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