Knock out!

320 15 24

Question of the day: Do you ever feel empty?

(3rd person POV)

As it turned out, Draco just wanted to see how your phone worked. Understandable as you knew they didn't have those. Actually it seemed as if this whole Hogwarts thing was somewhere in the 1990!

You had let the trembeling blonde go while apolagizing yet instructing him to not do something like that again... And that he could see the 'magic device' whenever he wanted, he just had to ask.

Honestly you felt like you had just taught a toddler what boundaries were....

After he left you plunked down into your bed. Your wet clothes left outside of your window to dry, altough they'd probably freeze instead.

Unknown to you, the blonde was happily making his way to his own dorm. he didn't even feel bad about lying to you. It was all for a good cause! You were still friends with him and he got to snoop around your room.

He was sure you wouldn't miss the random T-shirt he had grabbed as a souvenir! He needed a new pillowcase anyways.

The boy was confused by his sudden creepyness but shrugged it off as real... Friendship... yea. You can't expect him to find it weird on his own, he's never had something like this!

While he went on his merry way to do other creepy things you had descended into dreamland.

The same red glowing eyes watching you sleep. The being was saddend that you didn't want to see them, but they understood...

You would come around eventually.

You sucked in a breath while Lucius cut another slice into your already awfull looking upper arm.

The man seemed glad to hurt you. 'Asshole.' You began to yourself. 'Kill him.' Your mind contiued. 'No thanks, Draco would be sad you know, and he's got a wife. She'd be sad too.' You reasoned to 'yourself'.

Just as the moral battle was about to continue you noticed a shift in the blonde mans posture.

You looked at him with your eyebrows raised in question. "He's coming..." he replied darkly.

'Woah, real ominous there? The fuck' you tought while looking at the door. Your senses screamed at you to just yeet yourself out of the window.

'Curiosity killed the cat Y/N.' 'You' spoke to yourself. 'But satisfaction brought it back.' You finished the well known sentence with a barely noticable smug smile.

The door opened menicangly just two seconds later. You could only see a sickingly pale, almost grey hand on the outer doorknob.

Lucius stood as still as possible, fear practically leaking out of him. You sceptically glared at the dark hall.

When the being stepped into the light you almost laughed and cowered into a hole at the same time.

Before you stood some sort of ugly mangled being. It's eyes a faint red colour with slit pupils. No nose in sight either, just two holes to presumably breathe trough.

The thing had no hair, his bald grey head seeming kinda flakey... Disgusting, even worse then Shigaraki!

On its thin lanky frame lay some black cloth, kinda looking like a dress, you figured it was probably some wizard thinga- magig.

Even with it's laughable appearance the thing held a powerfull aura. You didn't like this thing one bit.

"My lord." Lucius bowed at the sight of who-ever this was.

You kept one eyebrow raised in confusion. 'My lord? Who'm the fuck?' You pondered before Lucius' cold hand grabbed you by the neck and tried to push you into a bowing position aswell.

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