The fight

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♕Question of the day: Who's your favourite character, like ever?♔

(3rd person POV)

"Give them back! Or you won't be getting out of this building in one piece!" Midoriya screamed. A firece green glow going troughout his eyes. 

You opened your mouth to say something but Toga covered it quickly and held a knife to your throath.. Well not as threathingly as she would normally but it may have looked convincing from the front.

"The kid won't be going anywhere with the likes of you disgusting 'hero's'." Shigaraki responded snarkily with a bored look.

Everyone in the room seemed to stand still, all waiting for the first one to attack. Wich did happen, Midoriya flew towards you and Toga as a green flash. You didn't have time to register anything as Toga was flung back hrashly. She taking you down with her.

Some-one pulled you by the scruff of your shirt towards them. Another person pulled you towards the opposite side.

All the fighting participants were a blur to you. Their bodies moving around eachother seemingly. Blood splatters here and there.

No-one had cried out in pain yet... So they were fine right?

You shouldn't think that way. 'Get up! Do something! Who's even holding me?!' You quickly monolouged. The person dodged with you and with that you headbutted them.

They let you go as they held their head and you made your short escape.

A rock-hard fist was flying straight at Mr.Compresses back! You conjured up a shielding patch of your magic just in time.

You blocked another few attacks from both sides. Your classmates attacked the league of villains mercilesly.

You jumped away from a flying boulder, probably from some wall. Then your arm got snatched by a pink blur. You wiggled yourself away from them in an agressive manner.

You landed with your back against a wall therefore knocking the air out of you.

You blocked someone from getting hit as you jumped to land on your feet.

Alas, your standing was shortlived as you got punched in the face... hard.

"Ack-" You let out a squeal as you hit the wall again. You were seeing stars now!

It was impossible to make out who was fighting who now. Concentrating on your own 'quirk' was evenly hard. Almost as hard as that damm punch!

You shakingly got up now having blocked yourslef of from the fighting mass. You looked trough your shield structure towards the mess of flashes and grunts.

You blocked a couple more random attacks and dodged some others yourself.

You couldn't take this anymore!

People were getting knocked out and thrown towards the ground.

Cries of pain were audible now and then.

'Ugh... Time to pull a 'pick me'.' You decided to yourself. Wondering if that would work.

"Stop!!" You screamed at the top of your lungs as you had elevated yourself ontop of a small platform you made.

"Y/N! It'll be alright! We'll get you out of here!" Uraraka shouted back to you. Her hair was ruffled and messy from all the fighting.

"No! I'm not going back with you! Just go back to U.A.! Forget I was here!" You screamed back again. Taking a deep breath to not suffacate you got ready to continue your 'speech' but Izuku beat you to it.

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