Off of the building you go!

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Question of the day: Are you real?

(3rd person POV)

-A week later, LOV hideout-

"Uno!" Twice shouts next to you while agressivly slamming down his second last card. "Ugh- not fair! Y/N made me pick four otherwise I would have won!" Toga whined from next to you aswell.

Mr.Compress had sat opposite of you. 'He may think he's slick but I've see him shove those extra cards who knows where.' You mused to yourself in amusement.

Yes, you were all playing uno. Shigaraki was out at the moment and nobody knew what to do so you went to get Uno from your dorm room. And somehow you had even gotten Dabi to play with you all.

"Compress! Your turn! Stop spacing out!" Toga then continued with her whine. "Right sorry." He apologized and put down his last card?

"I won." He notified you all calmly. "Hey hey hey! No way you won! You just had atleast seven cards! I made you pick twelve not so long ago!" Spinner spoke up angrily. His eyebrow twitched.

"I would never cheat!" Compress replied with a hurt voice, a hand on his chest to make it extra dramatic.

"Oh yea?! Then why did you?" Spinner shouted at him again. "Shut it ninja turtle your making my headache worse.." Dabi piped up. "It's not my fault you drank yourself dead!" He spoke up.

"Blah blah blah.... Fuck off..." The the black-haired man rambled in a mock-tone. Toga and Twice gasped at the same time with extra dramatic effect.

"Dabi! Don't swear! There's children here!" Twice yelled as he covoured your ears and Toga's eyes. "Twice.. Do I look like I care?" He asked boredly now closing one eye.

Twice flipped him off.

During the small comotion Compress had slipped out of the couch and hid inside his room. Atleast that would be one less fight to handle.





(Shigaraki POV)

'Damm them! Damm them all!' I cursed mentally. 

I had left the hideout in a fit of rage. The sole purpose was to let out some steam... Wich may have ended up as destroying a whole city.. Not that I cared anyway.

It was about time that I came back to the base. Y/N was supposed to be there tonight so I had to make sure to atleast look somewhat less of a murderer....

"Do it for the children..." I mumbled to myself. Placing on a calmer facade I grabbed my phone to call Kurogiri.

A couple of minutes later I made my way into the hide-out.

"Oh yea?! Then why did you?" Spinner shouted at someone. He sounded quite irritated. "Shut it ninja turtle your making my headache worse.." ,who I could presume was that burnt bitch, responded.

I peeked trough the door at the commotion inside the 'living room'. "It's not my fault you drank yourself dead!" The reptile man responds.

"Blah blah blah.... Fuck off..." The the black-haired man rambled in a mock-tone. Twice and Toga gasped at that, an action that amused me. 

"Dabi! Don't swear! There's children here!" Twice yelled. He seemed to be covering the wolf-kids ears. "Twice.. Do I look like I care?" Dabi asked boredly.

Mr.Compress slipped out of the couch during their arguing... 'How cowardly.' I insulted him.

I decided to finally go in.

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