Being a prisoner

283 11 15

♕Question of the day: Favourite Disney movie?♔

(3rd person POV)

Your panic gets cut off as you hear the door unlocking. You brace yourself and decide last minute to go hide in the closet. Even if the chain would most likely reveal your hiding spot right away....

You can hear some-one walk in as you cower in the closet.... You could hear the soft clinking of metal as the person walked... This whole room smelled like flowers so you couldn't determine who this was by smell.

"Y/N~ Come out of the closet. I'm not here to hurt you." The person sweetly suggests. They did indeed not sound mad.... More like... Some-one trying to coerce a cat out from under the bed.

'Well damm.... Come out of the closet?' You tought to yourself, in panic and confusion you step out in a dramatic way.

"Im gay." 


It took the man, who you now recognized as Motoyasu, a moment to get the joke but he began chuckeling happily at that. Either he found your joke funny or he appreciated that you actually came out of the closet.

"Oh, aren't you just adorable. What do you think of your room dear?" He smiles brightly and pats your head. You duck under his arm and he just tries again. Either this man was oblivious to how weird this was or he just didn't care.

"You kidnapped me." You say with a serious face as you look up at Motoyasu. He fliches a bit as if he didn't expect you to struggle at all.

"No no, I saved you. Don't worry. I know you're still brainwashed from that awfull shield hero's magic but I'll take care of you." He leans down to your eye height.... Since this man was tall! He really looks as if he believes that....

"What? No, you took me from my group, changed my clothes and chained me to the floor!" You cross your arms over your chest in defiance. Your wolf ears flattening on your head.

"No, Y/N dear. You'll realise in a bit." He continued smiling... That was really putting you off. This dude didn't even look the smallest amount of sorry for his actions.

"No? I won't? Let me out and give my powers back!" You huff, agitated at this situation. This wasn't the most hostile kidnapper you've had tough, so you weren't really scared... Or maybe you were just desensitized to this at this point.

"Wait, your powers don't work anymore? This is great!" He cheered and immediatly picked you up to hug you to his chest. You yelped and pushed back but this dude was strong enough to keep you close.... Unsetteling, seeing as you were quite strong yourself.

You shut yourself up because it was clear this man knew pretty much nothing about you and it would be better for you to keep it that way.

Motoyasu nuzzled his nose into the top of your head and you couldn't tell if this was some weird pedo or if this man just saw you as some cute wolf child.

"We're going to have so much fun together! I'll brush your hair. Oh! and your tail! And then I'll feed you and we can play with the ball-" He rambled on an on and on. This dude tought you were.... A dog?!

"Motoyasu, I'm not a dog." You deappann and seize your struggeling since you were too flabbergasted to concentrate on that.

"Right right! A demi-human! And you're my demi-human, so I'll take great care of you~" He muzed and had some smug yet happy smirk on his face. This man must be insane! 

"I am not some thingy you can own ya know? Many have tried but none have succseeded." You roll your eyes and still try to atleast get your head off of his armoured chest.

Dimensions | A (anime/fictional) various x gn!readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن