∣MHA - End∣

779 28 19

♕Question of the day: Do you have any pets, if yes wich species?♔

(Third person POV)

You felt cold. A weight was pressing you down...

Nothing hurt....

Where were you?

You felt your mouth with your tongue, recognizing the taste of morning breath made you question how real death felt.

Were you dead? I mean there's no way you'd survive such a high fall...

'Stop hoping Y/N.... It's over for us....' You said to yourself as you fluttered your eyes open. This 'waking up at weid places was getting really tiring... Altough it was pretty handy for a certain author.

As your lashes brushed your own hand you moved to sit upright.

You couldn't really tell if you had your eyes open or not due to the darkness.. Maybe hell was dark?

Or the afterlife? Whatever comes after death...

Maybe there's nothing, just this endless void...?

You questioned everything at that moment. It was a moment of self-refelction. It was easy to do so in a dark void...

However, this dark void soon got dissolved by an opening door.

Perhaps a door to a new chapter in your life...

Because yes, you lived. You lived to see another day.

You sqeezed your rested eyelids shut at the incomming light. A sound of slow footsteps could be heard.

You kept your eyes closed, sacred of where you had awoken this time. To be honest you wanted this all to be over...

The new person stopped at your side seemingly crouching down a bit. Meaning you weren't on the ground.

A hand felt your forehead and then checked you pulse at your wrist.

Well, you panicked while laying there and the person must have noticed by your quickend pulse.

They spoke: "Y/N? Are you awake?" In a quiet hushed rasp.

The urge to say 'no' was great but you decided to just keep on 'sleeping'.

The person remained quiet for a second untill they spoke again this time a tad bit louder. "Y/N, stop pretending. It's getting pretty obvious now." The voice said, a reliefed chuckle following after.

The more you heard this voice the more familiar it felt... Perhaps you knew this person.

You slowly opened your eyes and sat up, a frown on your face. A blurry sight greeted you back as you tried to focus your eyes.

As soon as your eyes opened the person hugged you tightly. You got pushed into their chest, in an almost suffacating hold.

'Yea, I'm getting pretty concerned now....' You tought blankly as the person kept hugging you.

By being in this persons chest you could also get a good whiff of whoever this was.... Your conduction skills let you to believe this was Shigaraki..?

"S-Shigaraki? Why are you dead?" You whispered sadly, your mouth dry and nasty tasting.

"Shhh, i'll go get you a glass of water Y/N, please stay put. I wouldn't want you fainting..." He told you while reluctantly letting you out of his grip.

You had a questioning look on your face but since you 'died' you would have an eternity to catch up anyways..

A couple of minutes later Shigaraki came back holding a glass of water. He handed it to you and sat down next to you.

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