55. "I have a life, Blayze! I have work to do, places to be."

Start bij het begin

"Mom!" I exclaimed. "It's a false article!"

"False article, really? You two have been spending so much time together, and you don't even come home some nights! I should have known. Oh God, my head is spinning."

"Mom, don't you see the picture? We're literally just on an escalator in the mall." I defended.

"What were you two doing in the mall? What business do business partners have in malls?!" She demanded.

"We just went for coffee, mom!" I justified. "Can you please calm down? That article is not true. I do not have an affair with Blayze." I was scared. I definitely did have something sizzling going on with Blayze, and I was blatantly lying to my mom. What was scarier was that I didn't know how I would confess it to her in the future. How would I get her to calm down then when I told her I was seeing Blayze? She would clearly never approve of him.

"Tell me the truth." She urged.

I swallowed. "The media just needed an article and some ratings, mom. You know how it works."

She took a deep breath. "So, you're not engaging in any unprofessional activities with him?"

I gulped, recalling all our sizzling, unprofessional activities. "No, just business." I lied, yet again.

She was quiet for a minute before she sighed. "Thank God. I almost had a stroke."

I sighed too. "Mom, you should have let me speak first."

"How else am I supposed to react? You and him being together is my biggest nightmare."

"Mom, don't you think you're too harsh when it comes to him?"

"Why are you defending him?" She accused, the doubtfulness finding its way again to her voice.

"Because we work together!"

"I hope it is only work that you do," She stated, and I gulped again. "Anyways, maintain professional distance from him and don't allow such news to get out again. I have to go for a surgery now."

"Okay, mom." I sighed, hanging up.

I decided to visit my aunt Ariana after work. She was my mom's cousin and best friend, and an absolute gem of a person. She was the best aunt I could ever ask for. So loving, cheerful and fun. It had been way too long since I had seen her. It was high time I visited her. I needed her positive vibes around me.

So I drove up to her house after work.

"I was very upset that you didn't come see me in so long." She said, hugging me tightly as I stepped into her house.

I held onto her for a couple of minutes. "I'm so sorry, Auntie Ari. A lot has happened in the past few months."

She frowned at me. "How many times do I have to remind you not to call me auntie?"

I laughed, kissing her cheek. "You know I'm not going to listen."

"Do I look like an auntie to you?" She grumbled, walking to her living room with me right behind. It was what she always said.

"You look like my auntie." I beamed at her.

She shook her head. "Do you want coffee?"

"I could honestly use a cup." I confessed, looking around.

"I'll be back with some for both of us." She replied with a cheerful smile.

"Auntie, did you change the decor?" I asked. The place looked a lot different from when I last saw it.

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