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I decided I would ignore whatever it is MaNdlovu was going on about. MaDlamini and I visited the kids at their school during their off time and everyone was super excited about the baby. I didn't want to leave them but I knew we had to. MaDlamini and I shopped until we couldn't anymore. The nursery was so full we had to start packing clothes in other rooms.

MaNdlovu minded her business. She seemed to go back to her normal self again. She tried her best with Moses but he just seemed disinterested. She did this to herself. She only had one person to blame for this mess she created. The family wanted a baby shower but I refused. Not one of them liked me so why in the hell would I want to celebrate my baby with them. Especially with the other wives who hated my guts. They probably hate me even more because I was having the first boy in the family. I really didn't want to deal with any of that.

"Hello! Is anyone home!"

Oh hell no! MaRadebe.

"Moses! Zethu! Nozipho!" We were all in the tv room watching a series. "Moses, go deal with your mother please." Nozipho said and he just sighed. "Oh, here you are." She came in with gift bags and took a seat. "Ma, I thought I told you to not come back here again."
"My boy please. I've apologized to you countless times. Let's leave everything in the past. I've come with gifts for my grandson. You'll love them Zethu. MaDlamini go tell the maids to get my suitcases from the car. I'll be moving in to help Zethu. Us boymoms should stick together."

What the fuck? "You're moving into this house? My house? You must've lost your fucking mind."
"Nozipho." Moses gave her a look and I thought he was being fooled by this woman again. "Ma, please leave. We don't want or need you here."
"Moses, Zethu needs me. When the baby comes I'll be able to teach her how to take care of him."
"What exactly are you going to teach her that she doesn't already know? She raised her brother and my daughter. She's done it all before. She doesn't need you or your lousy gifts that you probably laced with some kind of muti. I don't care about tradition or respect, I will physically throw you out of this house myself. Moses can try and stop me if he wants but he won't succeed. Get out! We don't need you here." MaRadebe looked at Moses and then at me but we had no more sympathy for her. She started walking out and Nozipho came to grab the bags and followed her out. "The nerve of that woman. Zethu are you okay?" I nodded and we continued our night of series and snacks.

MaDlamini and Baba absolutely spoiled me for the next couple of months. I had daily massages, my nails were never chipped, I was having the best sex of my life, and it felt like I had no stress in the world.

MaDlamini and I were having our morning tea when MaNdlovu walked out in an all pink outfit. She looked like one if those old church ladies. She had the hat and all. "Where are you off to?" She just glared at MaDlamini. "None of your business." She said before leaving. When we were sure she was gone we both burst out laughing. "I think I'm gonna pee in my pants!" I said laughing. "She looks like a pink cupcake and not in a good way. I bet you the only reason she came in here was to show that horrendous outfit." We laughed until I actually had to go pee.

Life was good. Even at eight months pregnant. I felt like a wale but I was happy. I was lying in bed scrolling on my phone when my world came crashing down before me. There I was on my own screen completely naked trying to cover my face.

"I don't want my face in it" I complained on the video. You could still see my face. It wasn't that many years ago but I looked so young. "Come on. Behave baby, I'm making a video. I'm the only one whose going to see it." Dumisani my ex said. "No, stop." I started crying hearing myself sound so helpless. I remember that day. The whole thing felt wrong. I didn't understand why at the time. I knew I didn't want the video but I needed his money at the time. I cried seeing what that man was doing to me. How did I live like that? "Open up." He hit my thigh and forced my legs open. He shoved his dirty fingers in me and I looked like I was in pain. I couldn't move. I couldn't stop staring at the screen. At the time I thought I knew what I was doing but I looked so scared and helpless. "Look at that. Completely wet."

I couldn't do it anymore. I stopped the video. The asshole posted it on Twitter and it had over a million views. "Where is she!" Oh no. Moses. "Moses wait! Maybe she doesn't know!" He burst into my room with MaDlamini following him. "Baba!"
"Did you think I wasn't going to find out! Get your shit and get out of my house!" What? What was going on? "Baba, what..."
"Get your shit and get out! Did you really think you could cheat on me with a potential business partner and get away with it!? Is that thing you're carrying even mine or were you trying to trick me!?"
"Baba no! This happened before you and I even met. I swear!" I tried going to him but he pushed me away so hard my back hit the wall. "Do you think I'm stupid! Do you really think I'm dumb enough to believe anything you say! Get out of my house! Get out!"

"Moses wait. Let her explain! Nothing in that video looked..."
"Shut up!" I was balling my eyes out. Why wouldn't he listen? I never even thought of cheating on him. "Zethu get the fuck out of my house!"
"No! Not until we talk." He was breathing heavily. "Please Baba! I didn't cheat on you! I would never." He let out an angry growl and slapped me so hard I tasted blood. I heard Nozipho scream as my vision went fuzzy for a moment.

I couldn't believe it. I fell to my knees and cried at his feet. "What do you not understand! Get the fuck out of my house you whore!"
"Please! Please listen to me!" I begged at his feet. "Oh, you're stubborn." He picked me up under my shoulders and started dragging me. I screamed with everything in me. "My baby! Please! My baby!" He dragged me out the door and Nozipho had him by the neck. He let me go but threw her to the ground. I heard a scream and then deafening silence. He closed the door and I screamed as he came for me. He carried me down the stares kicking and screaming.

I only had one thought on my mind.

If I don't get out of here, this man is going to kill me and my baby.

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