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Funeral preparations were in full swing and the elders made sure all the customs and traditions were completed properly. It was a long process that didn't need to be rushed if they were here on time.

MaDlamini and I were completely iced out by the whole entire family and Moses was pissed. He refused to participate in anything. He spent most of his time resting in the hut. The last few months have been rough for us all and he needed the rest.

I snuck into the small outbuilding where we stored all the groceries and got a six pack of ciders. I hid it behind our hut and poured it out into a coffee mug.

"MaZulu." Nozipho looked at me suspiciously. "Mm?" I was tipsy but I made sure to stay away from everyone. They were extremely busy anyway. "You've been standing around the whole entire day with this cup. I wasn't born last night. What's in it?" I just took a sip from my cup and didn't say anything.

"Zethu, you can't be mixing alcohol with your medication." She said softly and grabbed cup and threw it out. "Seriously. I wasn't even mixing alcohol with medication. I haven't taken any in days and I've been fine. Stop worrying about me. I swear I won't try and kill myself again." I said sarcastically.

"Again? What do you mean again? What the hell is going on in the city? Where's Moses?"  Gogo walked into our hut. I let out a breath of frustration. Why did I have to say that. "I'm sorry." I said to Nozipho who looked extremely uncomfortable with the whole situation. "Here you are. Sorry we got here so last minute but at least we're in time for the funeral tomorrow." Noah said. His family followed behind him.

"Oh, you finally showed up." Gogo said coming out of the hut. She hugged them and I was happy for the distraction. "I got caught up in the city and the girls were still in school." They walked off and I was left with disapproving stares from Moses and Nozipho. "I'm fine. Stop worrying. I'm not even drunk." They didn't say anything and their silence was killing me.

"Fine, I'll just get ready for bed and have an early night. See you tomorrow." I prepped all our stuff for tomorrow. Got some water to wash myself and got into bed. "Mamakhe." I hummed in response. "You're scaring me." Moses said. I opened the covers for him and he got in bed with me. "Don't be. I'm fine. I won't try anything again okay." He held onto my hand tightly. "I'm sorry. I promise it was harmless fun. I was just bored." I don't think he believed me so I stayed up until he fell asleep.

His alarm woke us early and we got ready for the day. The dramatics began as soon as the the casket arrived. People were crying and screaming even fainting. More and more people arrived and as soon as the rituals at the homestead were done we moved to the big white tents.

Red carpets laid out the path to the front and I understood why MaDlamini had us matching in our finest clothes. News reporters and a few ministers were there.

Gogo sat in the front with all her son's and their wives. Just before the service started she made them all stand up and swop with us. They were seething.Veronica, Moses and Noah got to sit infront with their families while they had to sit in the second row. The tension in the room was palpable.

Murmurs started and I thought it was because Gogo made us switch seats but then Moses grabbed my hand and I looked at him. He gestured for me to look behind me and when I did I saw none other than my father. He was accompanied by my older brothers. He took his seat and singing began. The service felt like it went on forever. Buhle slept through it all and my arms were starting to become numb as we walked to the graveside.

"Baba, can you please hold her." He took her and she woke up. She was in the worst mood. She was screaming her lungs out. All of us tried to get her to calm down but she wouldn't and people started glaring at us. I tried again and luckily her fussing started to quiet down.

We made our way back to another tent set up for lunch. All of us minded our business while everyone fought for the attention of Gogo and the other guests. All of MaRadebe's children sat at a table eating silently when she joined us.

"So you're just going to sit here like outsiders?" She asked and I knew she was trying to rile us up. "Leave these children alone. They just buried their last father figure. They need space." Gogo said sternly.
"I'm their mother. I know what's best for them. They don't need space from their mother." She responded trying to make it look like they were just having a normal conversation. "I don't even know exactly what happened but I have a feeling you've been making their lives a living hell. So walk away from this table before I drag you."

She left us alone but then my brother came over to call me. "The chief wants a word." I didn't want to make a scene so Moses and I just went with him. "MaZulu." He said but I didn't reply. "Okay, this is the last time I'm going to reach out to you. I went to your house and you threw me out and accused me of murder. Now I'm here at your in-laws trying everything to get back into your life and once again you've shut me out." I still didn't respond. I wanted nothing to do with him.

"Okay, fine. We're leaving. This is me walking out of your life. Either you follow me or you're dead to me." He got up and never looked back. "Mamakhe." I just shook my head. "Okay." He said and we endured the rest of the day. Alcohol was brought out and the 'after tears' began. People were drinking and singing. I didn't want to drink anything because I knew Moses and MaDlamini would be worried about me. They're already worried about me.

I was playing a game on my phone with Buhle in my lap. She was halfway asleep. "MaZulu." Veronica took the seat next to me. "How's everything. You and my brother seem to be on better terms." I just nodded. I didn't know if I trusted her. "As you know, your brother Thabo and I will be getting married. We finally decided on a date but we haven't sent out any invitations just yet. It would mean a lot to him if you put the fued with your dad aside and join us."

"Thabo was just here. Why didn't he ask me himself?" I kept playing my game not once looking up. "MaZulu why do you insist on being difficult about everything? If not for Thabo then for me. I stuck beside after you got out of hospital after the whole thing with Nozipho. You can come to my wedding and act you're having fun." I sighed and agreed. "Fine, but don't expect anything else from me." She squealed and hugged me before she left me alone.

I texted Sicelo for a little and then we finally went back to our hut.

Ziphozethu Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora