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Moses left me alone in the garden. Once he was gone I went to freshen up before dinner. I was absolutely obsessed with my minni baby bump. I wanted to show it off so badly but I wasn't ready to tell the whole family. Especially not my mother-in-law.

When I was done I went downstairs. I was late after staring at myself the whole time. A certain someone was behind my usual chair. "MaZulu, thank God you're here. Your sister-wife has taken over the kitchen and she seems to want to take over your seat at the table." MaDlamini said sarcastically. "I didn't think it would be a problem. I cooked and I just wanted to dish up for my husband."

MaDlamini just scoffed. "So you had to sit in MaZulu's chair to serve Baba a plate? Just because we're ignoring your existence and giving you the space and time with our husband does not mean there aren't rules. In this house there is a hierarchy and you are at the bottom of it my dear sister-wife." MaDlamini was not holding back.

"Well, MaDlamini you're not at the top of it either." What the fuck did MaNdlovu just say? "MaZulu's father is soon to become King. She's been a royal all her life which puts her further up the hierarchy than you. You may be Baba's first wife but you're not the senior wife in this household. MaZulu is." She said smiling at me as if she thought I would be on her side after that.

"You can wipe that smile off your face just as quickly as it appeared. How dare you disrespect us in our own home?" I was mad. "MaZulu." Moses could tell I was mad. "No Baba. Let me have my say. If we don't get rid of this attitude of hers now we'll be dealing with a bigger problem in the future." She still had that stupid smile on her face. "MaZulu I'm just stating fact. You shouldn't let MaDlamini run you like this. You're the senior wife. I'm trying to support you here."

"Listen to me carefully." She nodded and I could smack that damn smile off her face. "I'm not your friend. I don't know you and I don't want to get to know you so stay out of my way and keep my name out of your mouth. Disrespect MaDlamini one more time and I'll deal with you myself. Now get away from my seat before I drag you." She blinked rapidly. Did she really think I was going to fall for her nonsense?

She gave up my seat and I sat down. Gogo joined us soon after. MaNdlovu cooked steak and vegetables. She seemed shocked when the maid brought out my plate. "You're not eating the food I made?" I shook my head. "No, I have a very specific diet." She looked angry. "Why didn't you tell me in the kitchen? I could've made something from your diet." I didn't have the energy for this. "You didn't ask."

I knew it was mean but I didn't care. "I made this food out of the goodness of my heart and it's not that unhealthy. I cooked the steak perfectly medium rare and I roasted the vegetables in the oven. Just try it." She was adamant. "I can't ea..." I couldn't even finish my word when she cut me off.

"What's your problem? Huh?! I poured my blood sweat and tears into this meal. Since I've gotten here all you do is lay in your room! What's the point of a diet if you don't exercise!? You've only gotten fatter since my arrival!" MaDlamini and Gogo were stunned into silence.

"MaNdlovu! You're out of line!" Baba's voice boomed across the table. "I'm only trying to be nice!"
"You have a really funny way of showing it young lady. If it were up to me you would be going home immediately." Gogo said and MaNdlovu started sniffling. "Don't cry now. You completely disrespected MaZulu and now that you're being called out about it you're crying. All of this because MaZulu won't eat your food."

She started wiping tears. "I just wanted to know why. I went through so much effort to try and win the two of you over. If you think I poisoned the food I will take the first bite to prove I didn't. I just wanted to know why you were rejecting me."

"I was about to tell you when you cut me off. The day you arrived we warned you about this nonsense you're doing now. You're making your own life miserable." I said and she rolled her eyes. "And what does that have to do with you not eating my food? You accuse me of being disrespectful but you're disrespecting me." She really wasn't going to let this food thing go.

"Like I said I'm on a very specific diet. I definitely can't eat your food because the meat that I eat needs to be completely cooked. I can't have any raw meat because it can harm my baby." A look of realization hit her face. "I'm not on a diet because I'm fat. I stay away from specific foods because I'm pregnant. We have accommodated you enough. If you're going to feel some type of way everytime you get rejected in this family you're going to have a really tough life here. Gogo, Baba, please excuse me. I've endured too much stress, disrespect, and insults at this table. I'm going to eat elsewhere."

I took my plate to the kitchen and had the maid warm it. She absolutely spoils me now that I'm pregnant. I ate and when I was done Baba joined me. "I really want us to talk. I feel like I'm loosing you." This man. "You're not loosing me. You're throwing me away. If you can't balance work and three wives then this is not going to work for me. I'm actually glad the children are in boarding school because they don't have to face your rejection on a regular basis."

"Mamakhe that's not fair."
"What's not fair about that statement? You don't even have time to come to my doctor's appointments, where will you find the time to spend with your children? If you don't change your ways I promise you I will leave. I don't deserve this any neither does my child. When I said I don't care I meant it. If I'm not a priority for you I'm leaving."

He nodded. "I understand. I have yet to speak to MaDlamini. Is it possible for the three of us to sit and talk? We need to iron out the details of our living arrangements." I just nodded. "Is tomorrow afternoon at lunch okay? I'll book us a restaurant and we can sit and discuss everything so that there is no confusion." I agreed and went to take a really long shower before going to sleep.

Tomorrow should be interesting.

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