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"What I did was stupid. I'm so sorry Mamakhe I promise I'll make up for it. Also if you don't want to have a baby now it's all up to you. So, you can go on birth control if you want to. It's up to you." I just sighed. "I'm already on birth control, Baba." He looked shocked and concerned, even a little bit angry. "The doctors prescribed it because I had been getting really bad cramps while on my period after the miscarriage." I let out a sigh of relief.

I laughed a little. "What was that for?" He chuckled. "I thought you left me for another man." I just smiled. "I would never do that." He took my hand in his. "Mamakhe, tell me, why are you so hesitant about staying in the same house as Nozipho? She's accepted you as my wife." I knew it was coming. "Baba the last time we stayed together there was a lot of tension. I wasn't very comfortable with her and it was just very awkward. I didn't have the same freedoms I have here."

He rubbed the back of my hand. "The last time we weren't married. Listen, I'm sure by now Nozipho has gotten over it. She doesn't care, I can tell you that for sure. Nozipho and I are just married on paper." I just looked away. "What is it Mamakhe?" I hate that he knew me so well. "Baba, I don't want to say because I don't want to sound..." I couldn't carry on. I started crying.

"Come here." He said pulling me towards him. I laid on his chest and cried. "Tell me what's wrong, Mamakhe. You need to let it out otherwise it'll eat at you forever." I was mad and frustrated at myself for crying. How could I be this weak? "I understand why we're doing this but..." I could get the words out. "But it was supposed to be me and you." The tears wouldn't stop. "I know she's your wife but the thought of you being with another woman..." I covered my face in embarrassment.

"Mamakhe, please, don't cry. Look at me. Look at me my love." I couldn't do it. I started doing that weird hiccup cry thing that small kids do. "It's okay. Mamakhe, I'm in love with you and I will always be. You are literally the best thing that has ever happened to me. Please believe me when I say that you've got my whole heart." He pulled me completely up on him and covered us in a blanket. Through the whole night he continued to tell me how much he loved me.

The sun was already rising and we were still up. Just as I was falling asleep Buhle cried. "I'll go get her." Moses got up and the bed instantly felt colder without him. "Here she is." She almost jumped out of his arms. I fed her while she continued to complain. She fell asleep after and I got up and got changed.

I put on a house dress and my apron and doek. As always I put on my wedding ring and then went to prepare breakfast for everyone. "Good morning Zethu." My brother said excitedly. "You said in the beginning of the week that we're going shopping today." I just sighed. "I'm sorry Boy-boy. I forgot. Maybe we can go some other time." His face dropped.

"What's going on?" Moses said. "Zethu promised we'd go shopping in the city and now she doesn't want to." He complained and I just rolled my eyes. "Why Mamakhe? We can still go. We can make it a family trip and you can buy anything you want." Sicelo's eye went huge. "What? Anything?" Moses nodded.

Just as the excitement started Fikile came in with her bags. "Morning everyone. My driver is outside so I'm heading home now." Everyone said their goodbyes and we waved as her car drove off. I was glad she was gone. I just didn't feel comfortable with anyone connected to my father.

"Mamakhe, come on. Let's go shopping." I looked at him suspiciously. "You actually want to go shopping?" He nodded. "What if someone recognizes us?" He just rolled his eyes. "We'll have security on standby. Come on. Ma said she'll go with us to help with Buhle."  I just sighed but nodded. I got the kids dressed in their best clothes and threw on a nude bodycon dress and out on a better doek with some heels that I bought recently.  

"You look beautiful." Moses said hugging me from behind. "Can I kiss you?" He asked and I blushed. I couldn't help but smile shyly and nod. He turned me around and kissed me in one swift move. I had never been kissed like that before. It felt like I was floating on air. I never want it to stop. It felt like a breath of fresh air even though I was running out of breath.

"The car is here!" Ma yelled and we hesitantly pulled away. "We'll be right there!" Moses shouted back. We made sure we looked presentable and then got our things and joined the others.

"Moses what the hell is this?" Three black SUV'S stood outside our yard. The while neighborhood came out to see what was going on. "We need security. Come. The middle car is ours." We all got into the car and surprisingly Moses was driving.

Besides the fact that we caused a commotion wherever we went we still had fun. Moses made us  buy so much stuff that we filled up both the security cars. People were kept away from us but that didn't mean they didn't take pictures.

We were all watching a movie after dinner when someone banged at our door. Before Moses could open Nozipho burst in and slammed the door behind her. "So this is where you've been! With this tramp!" She yelled pulling our blanket off us. "Sicelo go to your room." He looked scared but I gave him a reassuring nod and he did as I said.

"Who the hell do you think you are? I thought this shit was a phase. That he married you because your father made him do it. He left you! He left you for me! Only to come running back to your open legs!"

"Nozipho! Shut up! Shut! Up! I thought you changed but you're the same old you! You will never talk to my wife like that again! Never, or I will make you pay! Do you understand me?" She just rolled your eyes. "Moses, I don't give a shit! You're publicly spending money and spoiling family number two while your children are at home wondering why they only get to see their father on a screen! With another family! I've had it with this 'situation' of yours. Come home!"

"Situation? I'm a situation? The same situation that made you relevant again? You were a washed up nobody before I came along. This situation right here, is a mother to your child and wife to our husband. Two things that you clearly couldn't do. Like the news reports say, I saved your brand and your 'company'. So please, I'm telling you nicely. Get out of our house."

She stood there blinking rapidly and trying to control her breath but I knew she was fuming. "This is not over. I called the press by the way. They should be here at any minute so say goodbye to you privacy." She smiled smugly and walked out the door.

"Do you still think she has accepted me as your wife?" I asked Moses and he was just too shocked to answer.

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