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The next two weeks Moses left me alone. I continued with my driving lessons and spending time with Buhle. At some point I started doodling on paper and realized I was creating patterns. It sparked an idea. I was still very skeptical about it and not willing to share it with anyone but I decided to do research. I was on my computer day and night and I started to feel like I had a purpose again.

I went down to breakfast one morning and I was shocked to see all the elders sitting there. I took my usual seat across from Nozipho. Both her and Moses looked nervous. "I didn't call them. I swear." I believed him. "It's fine." I didn't really care much. Even if he did call them it still wouldn't have made a difference.

"I know you have something against us MaZulu, but if MaDlamini can forgive us for all we've put her through I think you can find it in your heart to do so too." One of the ladies said. "There's a lot that we've heard from MaRadebe but I think we need to hear you out." There was a long pause until I realized they wanted me to speak. "Okay, I'm not sure what you want me to say. Ask, and I'll be willing to answer." I heard a few sighs.

"We heard you're not interested in being a wife anymore. If that's the case we can always find someone else." I don't know if this woman thought that would phase me but it didn't. I smiled and they seemed shocked. "Okay, but this time make sure you find a woman without any value because at the moment Moses's wives are the reason he's thriving. We hold so much power in the palms of our hands and somehow you've convinced us that we're expendable."

I laughed to myself. "MaDlamini." She was fighting back a smile. "Mm?" She was enjoying every second of this. She couldn't even hide it.  "You know I want to thank you for making me do that public appearance. It's been weeks and I'm still all over every screen. I'm sure if you look at your phone or switch on the tv my face will appear. And your son, your precious little boy is making millions off it. I didn't say or do anything. I simply just existed and my existence is feeding your families."

They were shocked into silence and I ate my breakfast happily. After breakfast I went to sit by the pool and do some work. "MaZulu." Nozipho said with the biggest smile on her face. "MaDlamini." I replied and we both laughed.  "You are crazy. They're still sitting there by the way. I don't know what they're discussing but they're discussing. That's all they do. They discuss stuff and think it's fixing the problem. Anyway, what are you working on? I know you're working on something."

"I'll show you when it's ready. But, I've decided to take my driving test. My appointment is tomorrow afternoon. Will you be able to drive me there?" She nodded. "Of course. I don't know why you've been putting this off. You're a good driver." I smiled awkwardly. "Don't Tell me you're going to give me a motivational speech."
"I was." She rolled her eyes. "But I'm not anymore. Damn! You've gotten mean." She said and we both laughed.

"I'm sorry to disturb but we need to talk. This time I want you to listen to me. Please." Moses said and I had to stop myself from rolling my eyes. "MaDlamini, please stay." He said when she stood up. Both of them sat down and he cleared his throat. "MaZulu, I've messed up. I've messed up big time but I want to try. Please give me a chance to try. Please my love. I'm saying this in front of MaDlamini because she needs to hear this. I've messed up with both of you and I'm willing to do anything and every to get our marriage back on track. MaZulu please. I want my wife back."

I couldn't keep it in. I rolled my eyes. "Moses, I was never your wife. I was your midlife crisis. As soon as we signed our marriage certificate I became irrelevant. So can we please stop pretending? It's exhausting."

He left me alone and the elders asked to stay for a couple of days. The next day Nozipho drove me to my driving test and I passed. I couldn't believe I passed it. She made me drive her home. Everyone was waiting for us outside. I saw Moses's assistant filming us from the crowd. "What's going on?" I asked Nozipho pointing to the man with a phone in one hand and a camera in the other. "I don't know. Just go with it."

We got out of the car and I was glad Nozipho dressed me. "What's going on?" I asked suspiciously. "Did you pass?" Moses asked and the camera came closer to me. "Yes." They all looked really suspicious
"Surprise!" The crowd yelled and moved away to reveal a car. The first thing I noticed was the number plate. It said MaZulu.

I was shocked. Moses handed me keys. I had no idea what car it was. I just knew it was expensive. "What's happening?" I asked again and the crowd laughed. "This is for you." Moses said and handed me the key. I hugged him because he had a damn camera on my face. He showed me the car. I loved it and I was grateful but was the camera man really needed? I guess this is what I signed up for. I was a permanent PR stunt now.

After all the excitement I took a short drive in it with Moses. "Do you like it?" He asked when we got back home. "Yes, thank you." That's all that was said and then we went inside. Moses posted the video and once again my face was all over the media."

"Her voice is so smooth. Did you hear that?" A tv presenter said on the screen. "Her voice alone turns me on. If sex was a sound it would be her voice."

"Ew! Turn that off! Why would they say that on tv!" I was creeped out. "These two are notorious for their disgusting commentary. I don't understand why they still have a show. The benefits of having a penis I guess. So? What's up?" She asked and I shrugged. "Nothing much." She just hummed. "I know it's none of my business but I think one day you'll come to regret this little arrangement of yours. It's quite obvious that the two of you still love each other."

I rolled my eyes. "Why? Because he bought me a car?" I asked sarcastically. "No. This arrangement wouldn't even be a thing if you weren't in love with him anymore. The two of you just need to get through this rough patch." I was annoyed because she was right. I did love Moses but that wasn't enough anymore.

"MaZulu, the elders are leaving. Can you please come down so we can say goodbye." I nodded and followed Moses downstairs. We all said out goodbyes and then one of the wives took out a photoframe. "Fikile, your stepmother sent you this. She found it in your room and framed it for you." I took the frame to see an ultrasound scan. My hand started shaking and I gave the frame to Moses.

"MaZulu are you okay?" I just nodded and hid my hands behind my back. They left and I went up to my room. When everyone was asleep I got a bottle of wine and went to sit outside with my feet in the pool.

"MaZulu." I looked behind me to see Moses. "Have you been out here the whole night?" Thats when I realized the sun was starting to rise. I just shrugged. He took a seat next to me. "I'm sorry." He said and I rolled my eyes. I was tired of hearing it. "For what?" I was extremely fed up. "For everything. I let everything going on around me distract me from the fact that you're the love of my life. You were there when nobody else was. You made me whole again when I was broken and all I did was tear you down. I'm sorry Mamakhe."

We just sat there in silence until breakfast. I didn't eat though. I went to bed. I was too confused to sit at a table with Moses at the moment. I wanted him back so bad but my pride wouldn't allow. I wanted to hold him. Or even just touch, kiss him, smell him. Anything! But there was still something inside of me holding me back.

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