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When we were done I used his bathroom to freshen up and then ran back to the area I live. "So, did you get the job." I nodded and made sure not to show my excitement. "That's good. Come get your dinner." I walked in her little shack. It was way nicer than mine. I folded the dry clothes and she gave me my food to take home.

I ate half of my plate and started getting ready for the next day. I washed one of my old curly wigs and let it air-dry overnight. Once I finished putting my hair in cornrows and bathing myself I went to bed.

The next morning I got dressed and put on my wig. I ate some of my leftovers and went to work. I got there and met the other new girl. "Hi, I'm Sethu. I'm new in town." She said and we shook hands. "Zethu." I said smiling. I was very awkward when talking and starting friendships with other women. They never like me.

We got dressed in our uniform. I didn't even know if you could call it that. It consisted of a thong and a very tight shorts. Infact it wasn't even shorts. It was just booty shorts  with the restaurant's name on the butt and it was compulsory that our bright pink thongs is visible. We also had a bright pink bra and a sheer crop top.

The first week was tough. I had to get used to the groping and touching. Sometimes the floor bodyguard had to get involved especially when the men got way too drunk. After a while I got used to it and I learned how to deal with the trouble makers.

The first month in my job I ate from the garbage bin outside the kitchen. I had no money for food and people would throw away whole plates of meat. Every night after we locked up I would go out there and scavenge for the best left overs I could find. Sometimes I got really lucky and other times I took what I could find.

I found a half a rack of ribs and put it in my lunch box before I walked home. It was only one more day until pay day and then I could stop doing this shit. There is nothing more humiliating than having to pull food out of a garbage can but I had to survive.

When I got home I cooked the ribs a little bit just for my own sanity. I was hoping to burn the germs off somehow. I sat in bed and ate. I couldn't even sleep. I kept on checking my phone for my money to be in but it never came.

The next morning I was livid as I walked to work. I needed that money. My brother needed his allowance and I needed to eat food that didn't come out of the trash. When I walked in everyone was standing around and Xolisa was giving them envelopes. I was so relieved. I needed that money. He gave me mine and he looked angry. "In my office." He said sternly.

I was nervous. To my knowledge I didn't do anything wrong but who knows. A customer or a staff member could've complained.  I walked in his office and made me sit in his chair. He pressed play and I saw myself on the screen going through the garbage. I paused it as soon as I realized what it was.

"Um, I lost something. I was just looking for it." I lied quickly. I could see he didn't believe a word that I said. "Every night Zethu? You lost something every single night and it just happened to be food? Come on Zethu. You could've just asked." I looked down at my lap in shame.

"I know. I'm just really tired. I'm exhausted and I didn't feel like..." I just sighed and out my face in my hands. "Really Zethu? Really? How many times have we hung out together during your break and I expected nothing of you. I complain about my wife, I complain about my business and you just sit there and listen. I expected nothing of you. I thought we were becoming friends. Even as your boss you could've asked me for an advance rather than digging through the trash just to have something to eat."

I started crying silently. "Come on, Zethu. Don't cry. I didn't mean to be so harsh." I wasn't even really crying because of what he said I was just exhausted. All I wanted to do was rest for once in my life without any worries. "Okay, let's make a deal. You and I are now friends and we share our problems. Not just me blabbing the whole time okay. We'll only have sex when you really want to and no more digging in the trash. If you need food you tell me." I nodded and he hugged me.

I carried on working there. My brother was really excited when he got his allowance and hearing him happy just made me happy too. Xolisa and I started becoming friends and I told him all about my crazy life here in the city. Not much of the really depressing stuff just recent events.

"Do you know what I really want?" I said one day on my lunch break. I was talking to Xolisa and Sethu. "What's that?" Sethu asked and took a bite of her burger. "A rich husband. I've been with rich guys. I know how to get a rich guy but I can never seem to keep a rich guy." I complained eating my fries.

"Your problem is the type of rich guy and your approach. Your very sexy and you know it. Everyone can see you know it. You choose the wrong rich men also. You choose the ones who only want to fuck and get it over with. The type of rich guy you need is the fat depressed kind." Sethu said and I looked at her like she was weird.

"Aren't they all fat and depressed?" Xolisa stole the words right out of my mouth. "Yes, but its a very specific kind. And there's lots of them. I almost got married to one. You need the type of guy who is very insecure. The type that lets everyone walk over him. He probably has a wife but she wears the pants in the marriage. A guy with absolutely no confidence. When you find him you become the most submissive woman on earth. You act like you worship the ground he walks on and you stroke his ego until he feels he's in control. When he finally thinks so you either fall pregnant or bring up marriage. I suggest you fall pregnant and pray to god it's a boy. That's your ticket to the soft life." Sethu explained and I was shocked.

"Holy shit thats evil!" Xolisa exclaimed. "I know but it works. I was so close to getting married. He just found out I was faking my pregnancy. Word of advice, don't do that. It's dumb. It never works." We all laughed and before we knew it our break was over and Sethu and I had to get back to work.

After a while that became my normal life. I would go to work and try and work as many shifts as possible. I hung out with Sethu a lot and we became close friends. Sethu got promoted to manager when our last one quit and she finally got to get out of that horrible uniform. Both of us were on the 'hunt' as she liked to call it for a husband.

It was a slow day when a man dressed in a black clothes and a pastors collar walked in. He went straight up to the counter and spoke directly to Sethu. "Good afternoon beautiful." He said and Sethu looked unimpressed. "Afternoon pastor. What can I get for you today?" She asked politely looking him up and down. "Let me get four lamb chops, some rice, and potato salad." He ordered and then Sethu called me over to seat him. "Oh no. I was hoping to be served by you." He said to her and I understood what was going on so I left.

He spent the whole day at the restaurant. He took his time eating his food. He even ordered extra. When he was full he ordered a drink and took forever to sip on it. When he was done he odered another. It was late afternoon and the dinner customers were coming in. He went on to order dinner as well. He even got dessert this time. When he was the last customer left he paid for all his food.

"Since you've kept me company today and we've gotten to know each other how about you give me your number and I take you out sometime?" He asked and she smiled shyly. There's been subtle flirting between the two of them the whole day. She sighed and gave in. He gave her his phone and she put her number in it. He even called her to make sure it was her number and he made her save it.

He finally left and we were squealing at the top of our lungs. "Zethu, I am not even playing. This time I'm getting pregnant. I don't care if he's not a billionaire I need a husband to take care of me. Imagine being a pastor's wife. That's like being a celebrity around here. Oh, Zethu I'm so excited!" We danced and had a few drinks before we left.

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