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I went to fetch my brother and he was super excited to see me. "Zethu, I have good news to tell you." He could almost jump out of his skin. "What is it boy-boy?" He made me take a seat. "People from this other rich school came to watch me play rugby. They want me to be in their school. They said I can come to their school for free I just have to get you to agree. Please, Zethu. Will you come to school and meet them on Monday? Please, please please."

I was too shocked to answer. "What? You're going to go to a proper school?! Boy-boy! Come here!" I grabbed him and hugged him tightly. This is all I ever wanted. That's why I made sure his marks were good and he was involved in sport.

I sold my virginity for his rugby kit and extra lessons and I don't regret it one bit. I was so proud of him. "Of corse I'll go to your school, boy-boy. I'm so proud of you!" I hugged him tighter. "Zethu? Why are you crying? Are you sad?" I wiped my tears. "No boy-boy I'm not sad. These are happy tears."
We ate and he bathed himself.

"Zethu you didn't do the washing." He complained with his towel around his waist. "Stop complaining. I'll do it tomorrow while you go to church. Didn't MaRose tell you? I was working and I got you this." I handed him two bags filled with clothes.

"What?! New clothes! Thank you so much! I love you Zethu." He grabbed me and hugged me tightly. "I love you too boy-boy. Now go get ready for bed. There's a pajamas in there." He hugged me again and dissappeared behind his curtain.

The next day I sent him to church while I cleaned around the shack and washed our clothes. There was a loud knock on my door while I was scrubbing the concrete floor.
"Hi baby. How are you doing?" I got up and went to hug and kiss him. "Better now that you're
here." He put the packets he was carrying down on the floor. "I can't stay. I just brought you a few things. I have to go back home today but I'll be back in a few days and then we'll get back to what we started. In one of the packets you'll find two boxes
of condoms so we never have the same problem we had yesterday."
I giggled and we kissed for a bit and then he had to leave. I looked in the bags and there was all kinds of groceries. There wasn't even enough space in the small fridge and cupboard for all of it and I had to hide some behind my curtain where I slept. I finished cleaning and cooked a meal fit for a king.

Once again things were on track in my life.
Monday came around and I put on my mom's clothes and acted like I was her for Sicelo's school. We waited in the office
for the people to arrive so that the meeting can begin. Eventually three men walked in. The principal of the school and two other white men. They explained everything to me and how it will work.
"The only thing though is our school is situated in the Eastern Cape and you are going to be expected to buy his uniform and rugby kit which will add up to seven thousand six hundred rand."

My eyes went wide. I couldn't afford that and I didn't know anyone who was willing to pay it for me. My relationship with Dumi was too new for me to ask him to pay that money. "Does that mean I won't be able to go?" Sicelo asked me softly and I could see everyone looking at me expectantly. "No boy-boy. I'll make a plan. You're going to go to this school okay." He just nodded and I could see he didn't believe me.

I let him go to school and then went home and all I did was worry. Where the hell was I going to get seven thousand six hundred rand? The only money I had to my name was the two hundred rand I got from Sipho the other day. I changed into more casual clothes and took a few condoms with me. I went to sipho's house and knocked on the window to his room. He opened immediately and helped me in.

"I need money Sipho. A lot of it and I'm willing to do anything." He picked me up and threw me on his bed. Stupid me let him fuck me senseless for the whole day before making sure he had the damn money. "So, how much do you need?" he asked as we got dressed. "Seven thousand six hundred." his eyes went wide.

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