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I spent the rest of the day with Buhle. The aunts would check up on us every now and then and they would talk about random things. Moses was nowhere to be found.

"Is she asleep?" Ma whispered and I nodded. "I usually bathe her first but she's had such a rough few days we can stray from our usual routine." I laid her down and looked at ma. "We're having dinner and afterwards we'll have a meeting. Come and join us."

I followed her to a dining room where everyone was already sitting. Moses sat at the head of the table and one of his uncle's sat at the other side. Nozipho who looked like her old self sat on Moses's right side and the only seats left was on Moses's left. Thankfully ma took the seat at the edge and I sat next to her.

We ate and the uncle's and their wives spoke happily. When we finally finished Moses's uncle started talking. "We are in a very complicated situation but the life of a baby is at stake. Nozipho, you tricked us into believing Moses was in the wrong." She rolled her eyes. "Really? He has a mistress and I'm the one getting scolded.

"Shut up! Shut up! You have failed as a wife and a mother! Why wouldn't your husband start searching for a new companion? You left your child and Zethu became her mother. I don't care if you gave birth to her. Zethu is Buhle's mother. You abandoned your child to travel the world and you acted surprised to find another woman looking after her."

"Actually, I don't care. I don't. You can have her. I'll admit I've not been the best mother and for the sake of my child you should be her parent but this slut will not touch my husband. Try and divorce me for this thing Moses and I'll fight until I own everything that's yours. And you slut, you better keep your hands off my man." The table started protesting.

"All of you can say what you want! All of this families riches started with my father's inheritance. I will ruin all of you if I have to.  I'll allow this if Moses comes back home and Buhle doesn't leave this house."

Ma sighed. "Then how do you expect her to be with her mother. Zethu will have to stay here too. I don't care what you say. Zethu stays here with the baby. You can't expect her to live somewhere else." Nozipho rolled her eyes.

"She'll stay here but it's only because I want to keep my eyes on her." Nozipho said and it sent a chill down my spine. "Are we done? I don't feel like spending anymore time with any of you. The maids haven't prepared Zethu's room yet. She'll sleep on the couch." She said as if I haven't slept on worse. "Nozipho, the kids rooms are free." Nozipho just rolled her eye. "I said she'll sleep on the couch!" Ma was about to get up but I stopped her and she looked at me. I just shook my head.

"The couch is perfect ma." She still didn't look pleased but she let it go and Nozipho left. "Zethu, you're doing her such a big favour. She should be kissing your feet. You deserve so much more than the couch." I shook my head. "I'm fine ma. Don't worry about me." She just sighed and held onto my hand.

"This is not right. Moses, you said you'd fix this and in the last four days you've been sitting on your ass and sending emails. Fix it! Elders, I think it is our duty to stay for a few more days. I'll stay her as long as I feel it's needed to protect Zethu but I feel that your presence is also needed. Will it be possible for all of you to stay." They all agreed. Infact the ladies insisted on it.

I cleaned up the lounge where Buhle and I would be sleeping and Ma brought me some bedding. "Veronica will borrow you something to wear until we can go and get your things." I nodded and put my bedding on the couch. "There's a bathroom though there." She pointed at a door.

"So Zethu." One of the uncle's said coming in and he woke Buhle. She complained but was back to her happy self in no time. "I'm sorry for that." He apologized. "I heard you make some of the best tea. Since you spoiled the ladies this afternoon we were wondering if we could have some of this special tea." I smiled bowing my head to him. "Of course I can."

When I got to the kitchen everyone wanted tea. I left Buhle with them since she was in a good mood and made the tea. Ma got biscuits and I served everyone the way a wife would serve her new family. Everyone was raving about the tea but it was literally just normal tea. I accepted the compliments like a humble Zulu Makoti.

"So, Moses, when we've finally sorted out the Nozipho issue should we be expecting a wedding?" One of the uncle's asked and and Moses just poured himself some tea and walked out. I was left standing there awkwardly. Even though I saw the maid I still cleaned up when everyone left to go to their beds.

"Moses has people for that." It was Veronica.  "I'm just used to cleaning up before bed." I said and dried my hands. "I brought you some clothes to sleep in." She said and put the small pile down on the kitchen island. "He loves you Zethu and you're breaking his heart. Do you know how it feels to be scared that people just want to get close to you because of your money. He finally got a chance to be himself with you and you blew it! You're hurting him! I don't care how you feel about him not telling you about this! You're making this a bigger problem than it actually is! And I didn't hear you complain when he took over your brother's school expenses!"

The kitchen was all of a sudden full again. "Veronica! Stop it!" Moses said sternly. "Why? Why should I! She's hurting you over bullshit. Okay you have money! So what?!" Ma started pulling Veronica away. "Can we have some space?" Moses asked and we were left alone.

My heart was literally racing. I screwed up. I knew it was over for me. How could I be so stupid and forget that Moses was paying my brother's allowance and meal plan? How could I be so dumb? I couldn't afford that. I didn't even have a job and getting one would be impossible now with Buhle.

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