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"Nozipho was that necessary?" Moses asked and I could see by his body language that he was going back to that weak man who who I had to carry home from the restaurant when we first met. "What do you mean? She's soon to be my sister wife. I need to warn her about these things. But let's get back to business. Living arrangements."

I could see by the smile on her face she thought she had won. She did but I was going to kill her with kindness. "Seeing as though we are now living in the same house I suggest we work out a sleeping schedule. For now, up until the two of you get married Moses will be spending nights in my room." She stopped and I just knew she was looking for a reaction from me. "It's only right." She added but I kept quiet and tried controlling my facial expressions as much as possible.

"Does everyone agree?" Moses cleared his throat but I spoke before he could even say anything. "Yebo, Mamkhulu." She looked confused. "What did you call me?" She asked shocked. "Mamkhulu." I said 'nervously'. "That is how the first wife is normally addressed. Would you like to be called something else?" She blinked rapidly. "No. Umm. That's fine."

"Mamkhulu, I would also like to apologize for my outburst the other day. I was not myself and I understand now why you did what you did. I hope that arrangements and your relationship with Baba gets better now that we live in the same house and he can spend his time equally between us." She looked pissed off.

"I'm not normally the type to fight. I understand my role in this house. And as you mentioned before, I will humble myself and not step on your toes as the first wife. That was not my intention so I'm sorry if I ever made you feel that way." She looked shocked. "MaDlamini do you accept MaZulu's apology?" Baba asked proudly. "Yes." Was all she said and I smiled to myself.

"Mamkhulu I was hoping that I can cook for you and the family. Is that okay with you?" She glared at me. "No. I promised the kids burgers. Gloria will be making that for dinner." My face fell. I thought she would say yes. "MaDlamini, tell Gloria not to count me in with the burgers. MaZulu please make me something fit for a Zulu man with two beautiful wives. Is it too late in the day for you to start making me a seven colours meal." I smiled shyly with my head bowed. "It's not too late Baba. I'll make it for you." Nozipho scoffed and rolled her eyes.

I made Baba's dinner while entertaining Buhle. The girls kept walking past the kitchen to see what I was doing and I acted like I didn't see them. Luckily it was still early in the day so I could make some steamed bread or dumplings. I made a lamb stew with some yellow rice, fried chicken, potato salad, pumpkin, spinach, some steamed vegetables with cheese, bean salad, coleslaw, cabbage, and I found some beetroot in the fridge. I finished and dished just in time for dinner.

I got my water bowl and hand towel and went to the dining room where the kids were already enjoying their burgers that Gloria had made for them. "There you are, Mamakhe. The aroma coming from the kitchen is making my mouth water." He was his hands and I brought him his plate. "Wow, you made all of this? I can't believe it. Thank you Mamakhe."

I got myself a burger and took a seat. All the kids were looking at his plate with big eye. Their mouths hung open and I could tell they really wanted some. "You're not having some?" He asked rolling up his sleeves. "I was looking forward to the burger. Why?" I asked taking a bite of a fry. "What if you poisoned it? Why wouldn't you eat your own food?" Nozipho asked rudely.

"Why would I do that? This is ridiculous. Baba can I have a bite?" I asked and he scooped some food onto his fork and fed me. It just ended up aggravating Nozipho more. "Baba, can I get some too?" One if the twins asked. "Me too please?" The other one added. "I did make more than enough. I can go dish up for you if you'd like." I offered but Nozipho interrupted. "No! They asked for burgers and they're going to eat it!" She yelled and the first twin started crying. The second one joined soon after.

"What's going on in here?" MaRadebe came rushing in. "None of your business." Nozipho made the girls finish their food and I couldn't help but feel sorry for them.

That night I got myself and Buhle ready for bed. I knew Moses wasn't going to be spending the night in my room but I still put on a plane red bra and thong set with a red silk robe. Buhle was full of energy so we were playing on my bed.

"How are my girls? I just came to say goodnight." She squealed when she saw her father. "Hi baby." He jumped on the bed and kissed her all over.  She laughed and squealed but eventually crawled out from under her father and sat in my lap. "Today was a long day, Mamakhe. How are you feeling?" I sighed and Buhle pulled down my top so I fed her. "I'm fine Baba. I think it's going to take MaDlamini a while to get used to me but as long as I'm with you, I'm happy."

He sat next to me and gave me a kiss. "I'm so lucky to have you. I'm so proud of you after today." I looked at him confused. "You handle the situation with Nozipho far better than I ever could. You're the wife every Zulu man wishes for." I smiled shyly and I could feel my face getting hot. "Thank you, Baba. I can't wait for us to officially be husband and wife." I said and we started kissing but Buhle started crying. She pushed Moses's face away from mine.

"Little girl. What do you think you're doing?" He asked playfully and she shouted at him in her baby talk. "Oh, you think You're clever. Take what's mine and I take what's yours." He said and made as if he was drinking her milk. She started crying. "Oh, nana. What did he do, huh?" She cried pointing at him.

"I'm sorry baby." He kissed her but she was still mad. "Naughty. Baba is naughty." I made as if I was hitting his hand and he started 'crying'. Her crying stopped and she got into his lap and started 'shouting' at me. "Hey! I was trying to help you." She just continued 'arguing' with me until she remembered that I was the source of her food.

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