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Moses disappeared for a few days after that and we were left alone. MaDlamini and I kept to ourselves and Gogo checked on us. I have never in my life felt so alone. I could see my bump popping out. I didn't know if I was bloated or if it was the baby but I wished Moses was here to experience it with me.

I was eleven weeks pregnant and according to the internet my baby was the size of a lime. I was feeling slight aches and pains which are normal and I was just nauseous all the time. It felt like I was okay and not okay at the same time. I just wanted my husband to hold my hand and he was off somewhere probably with his new wife.

I was drinking tea in the garden when MaDlamini joined me. "How are you doing?" I just sighed. "I don't know. How are you? You've been scarce." One of the maids brought out more tea and left us. "I've been burying my sorrows in work. Did you get Moses's message?" I shook my head. "I haven't looked at my phone all day." She took a sip of her tea and then took a deep breath.

"Moses and his uncles are going to negotiate lobola for his new wife this weekend." Ever since this man came into my life all I've been doing is sighing. I just keep on sighing. "Do you think he'll be back in time for my twelve week appointment Monday morning?" Her eyes widened. "You're twelve weeks along?" I nodded. "I will be Monday." She smiled. "Wow, exciting times. I'm sure he'll be back for that. There's absolutely no way he'll miss it. Now that  you mention it he'll probably bring wife number three here on Sunday so he can be there on Monday. I am not ready." I agreed. I wasn't ready either.

Sunday came and we were all preparing for the arrival of number three. We waited until the sun went down but there was no word from Moses. I figured I would see him at our appointment so I went to bed.

I woke up and got ready. I was getting worried. Maybe Moses did forget. I texted him and told him to meet me at the doctor's office. I got there and waited. I was the only woman there alone. Usually I wouldn't notice a woman by herself at the doctor's office but today it felt like everyone was looking at me. I knew they weren't but it felt like they were judging me.

"Mrs Gumede. We're ready for you." I followed the nurse. Maybe he was just late. The appointment was quite early. He was probably stuck in traffic.

I got dressed in the uncomfortable hospital gown and waited for my doctor. I sent Moses one last text. Maybe something happened along the way and he was going to be late. I kept staring at my phone and still there was no reply. This time I called. The phone just kept ringing.

When I was finally done at the doctor's appointment I couldn't bring myself to go home. My chest felt heavy and I knew at some point I would start crying. I've cried enough in that house. I went on a drive, got some food, and sat in my car in a random parking lot. I ate and cried and when I was done my mind was made up. No more crying over this man. My focus would be on me, my baby and the children. I have many good things to live for and if Moses isn't one of those things, I'm okay with that.

I got home and there were many cars out front. I knew I had to prepare myself to be reprimanded by the family. These cars could only be Moses's family and they probably brought his new bride home.

I didn't even reach the steps leading up to the door when Moses stepped outside. "You're late. I know I didn't let you guys know but I expected you to be here."

Expected? What kind of person did I get married to?

"I had something important to do. I'm here now." He just sighed and led me inside. "Here she is now. Her royal highness." MaRadebe said sarcastically. All the elders sat round on couches and chairs. In the middle of the room sat a lady on a grass mat in traditional clothing. The new bride I assume. Moses led me to my chair next to his. MaDlamini sat on a chair to his right. She just kept her head down so I followed her lead.

"My wives I would like to introduce you to your new sister, Amahle Ndlovu. MaNdlovu these are your sister wives, MaDlamini and MaZulu. MaDlamini is my first wife and MaZulu is my second wife. Would you like to welcome MaNdlovu?" He asked Nozipho.

She sighed and straightened her posture. "I don't think there is much more for me to say. You say the ancestors have accepted her and the family has welcomed her, so all is good. MaNdlovu."

"Yebo, Mamkhulu." The woman on the mat answered. "Your stay here can be very fruitful or I can make your life a living hell it all depends on you." Mumbles went around the room. "The only value you add here is your father's land and I want you to remember that. Do not think because you are older than us that it gives you some sort of authority. It doesn't. This is my house, it's my marriage, and Baba is my husband."

I was not even offended by any of it. I was enjoying it. Maybe a little too much but I was glad she put her foot down early.

"You are number three. You come last. If you think you're going to come into my house and take over you're very mistaken. The choice to live here comfortably and in peace will be yours to make." She was so calm it was scary. I wouldn't survive someone talking to me like that. I would be shivering in fear.

"How dare you say that while MaZulu sits in the same room. MaZulu this is your house and your husband too." Now the family wants to defend me? "I don't see anything wrong with what MaDlamini said. I didn't hear a word of a lie." The family's murmurs went silent. I guess they expected me to be silent.

"I agree with MaDlamini that MaNdlovu's stay here will be dependent on her actions. We have become a well oiled machine in this marriage and everyone needs to know their place. I think it's quite a reasonable request. I hope I'm not stepping on MaDlamini's toes when I say MaNdlovu is welcomed into the family." Nozipho nodded and MaNdlovu got a little smile on her face.

After that we had lunch and then had a photoshoot. Moses was at his sneakiest. He had a whole wardrobe and hair and makeup department on standby so we could do this. He announced his marriage the very next day. Social media was buzzing and Moses was extremely unhappy. MaDlamini smiled from ear to ear. The public absolutely hated MaNdlovu. They claimed she was old and ugly. The media called her a downgrade.

"I made dinner. I hope that's okay." MaNdlovu said to me when I stepped into the kitchen. It had been a week and the only time I was in the same room as her was at meal times. "Well, you've already done it." I said putting the kettle on.

Gogo came in. "MaZulu, could you please make me a cup of tea too?" I made the tea and we all stood in awkward silence while I did it. I gave gogo hers and took mine out to the garden. I was reading when Moses joined me.

"Baba." He took a seat across from me. "We haven't had a chance to speak. I know I haven't really been around all week. I've started with the plans for the land and MaNdlovu and I are trying to get to know each other. I'm sorry about not being around." I guess he wanted me to respond but I didn't.

"Um, I have tried to speak to you. Everytime I come to your room you're sleeping." I could feel my anger rising but I calmed myself. "Maybe you've forgotten because you've just been so busy but I'm pregnant. Fourteen weeks to be exact. Not that you've noticed or remembered. I'm tired. I will sleep. Growing a child with no support from my husband takes a lot of energy." His face dropped.

"Mrs Gumede." One of the maids interrupted our tension filled silence. "Sorry to interrupt sir. Mrs Gumede MaNdlovu made dinner but I still prepared your food as per your meal plan. I hope that's okay." I nodded. "It's perfect thank you." She smiled and excused herself.

"MaZulu, MaNdlovu made dinner and she's very excited about serving it. You can't eat other food." This man keeps finding new ways to shock me. "If you hadn't missed our last two doctors appointments you'd know I have very specific dietary requirements. I eat certain foods and they have to be prepared in a specific way. This is my child Moses. I'm not letting anything happen to him or her."

"It's our child..."
"Then act like it." I interrupted his sentence. He got teary eyed and sniffled a little bit. "You can sit here and cry all you want. I have kept you updated on everything. If you don't even have a second in the day to look at texts and emails from your pregnant wife then that's not my problem. I will not put the health of my child at risk because you want me to be nice to your wife. From now on I'm going to be selfish. If you don't understand why then there is nothing I can do for you."

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