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The next morning Moses and I were eating breakfast with Buhle when cars pulled up. "Look who finally decided to show up." He said drinking his tea.

The elders got out of their cars and walked straight into the main hut. "This can't be good." Moses just sighed. We seemed to be doing a lot of that lately. "This funeral is going to make everyone miserable." He said and I scoffed. "Where have you been the past couple of days? Everyone is already miserable." Both of us laughed.

MaDlamini came out of the hut rolling her eyes. She put her grass mat down and sat with us. "This is going to be a long week." She said folding her eyes. "It's already been a long week. I'm not involving myself in anything. Im just here because I have to be. Now that the elders are here this should be moving along Swiftly."

"Swiftly Moses? For you yes but MaZulu and I have targets on our back. It's only a matter of time before they try and attack me too." I wouldn't be surprised if they did. "I don't understand why they hate us so much. I didn't do anything to them."
"You married rich. That's what you did to them. Their husbands are useless leaches. Moses and Noah pays this whole family's bills." I was shocked.

"MaDlamini lower your voice." She rolled her eyes. "Fine, but it's true. Noah owns a few farms and Moses is in the mining and development sector and all of them feel entitled to it. Some of them work at the farms and mines and Moses supplements their salaries from his own pocket. They should be worshipping the ground we walk on but as a thank you we get punched in the face."

I looked at Moses in shock. "What the hell?" I asked him and he avoided eye contact. "Moses." He just shrugged. "What? I can't just stop it now. They're dependant on it. Don't look at me like that." I was kind of disappointed. "All of this and we still get treated like shit. I'm not saying you shouldn't give your family money especially if you just have it but they've turned into spoilt entitled brats."

Someone called Moses and he made us come with him. "So, the reason we took so long was because we were working on logistical issues. I made a picture book for ma so she can see everything we chose. From the coffin to the food and the priest, the tents, chairs, decor, ect. You should look at the book too. All the invoices are there." MaRadebe said.

Moses looked at the book. "Okay who's paying for this? The coffin alone is fifty thousand rand." My eyes went wide. "Well Moses that's why we called you in here. You'll be paying for it." He scoffed at his mother. "Moses when your dad died your grandfather raised you. This is the least you could do for him." She was manipulating him again. He just shut the book and left.

"Don't worry. He'll pay for it. We've also got a few prestigious guest coming to the funeral. The minister of health will be coming because of Baba's work he did with traditional and modern medicine and the Minister of education will also be attending." MaRadebe said excitedly.

I started getting up because I didn't want to be around her anymore. "Where are you going?" I wanted to roll my eyes so bad. "I need to go and prepare lunch." She looked at me in disgust. "You think we're going to eat your food after you made Moses kick us out of his house? You're really a piece of work aren't you? You won't be touching a pot because if it's not poison you put in it we'll choke from the hate you made it with. Now be a good princess and go sit somewhere and look pretty." I was not going to allow her to see me cry so I left.

"Mamakhe?" I ignored him and got into bed. "Mamakhe talk to me." He came to sit next to me. "Don't ever leave alone in a room with them again." That woman was just pure evil. She didn't have any kind of love in her heart for anyone. Not even her own sons. She was just using them.

We spent most of the day in the hut. Since I wasn't to cook anymore I just sat in my hut with Moses talking about random things. "You know what I miss?" I shook my head. "Actual breakfast." I laughed. "We haven't even been here that long for you to be "missing" food." I said laughing. "What? I can't help it. I want eggs, bacon, sausages, toast. What other breakfast food is there? I'm done eating porridge."

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