Chapter 195: Bad Luck (2)

Start from the beginning


"I have something to tell you that's very related to you, especially concerning your family."

"... ..."

As I mentioned the family, the word seemed to startle Adelia. Fear took hold of her large, sky-blue eyes.

"What? My family?"


"Why all of a sudden? Did someone... someone come here?"

As if to prove that trauma had deeply rooted itself in her heart, Adelia's voice trembled. When they met at the exhibition, she couldn't say a word and stiffened completely, so it's a natural reaction.

Always confident and full of vitality, Adelia, who had a unique energy, seemed like a small, restless animal in my eyes. Her delicate voice, dilated pupils, and the cold sweat that flowed. I looked at her with a sympathetic look and mentioned Hiriya, whom I had just met.

"Hiriya, the princess... you know? I heard she transferred here as a teaching assistant. I just met her by chance on the way here."

"Hiriya? Why...?"

"Rumors say it's for the sake of relations with the Minerva Empire. Our territory, where the exhibition was held, is known to be Xenon's birthplace, so there must have been a lot of pressure."

In hindsight, it was my fault. I had teased Hiriya to some extent that I intend to develop the Michelle Territory into a cultural city.

So, I had to help Adelia in any way possible to lead a normal life. If Hiriya found out that Adelia was here from my side, the situation would become extremely complicated. The best way here was to send Adelia back to the mansion.

As seen at the exhibition, just meeting her family would stop all her actions and she would show severe anxiety symptoms. Moreover, she had been unjustly denied her family right in front of her, so the psychological shock would be tremendous. In my judgment, she would never be able to lead a normal life.

"Adelia noona."


"I know how scared you are of your family. So, if possible, to the mansion..."

"Oh, no. I, I'm fine."

Adelia noticed that I was trying to send her back to the mansion and urgently spoke, her voice already trembling uncontrollably.

It was evident to anyone that anxiety symptoms had already set in. With a sheepish expression I quietly said.

"Even your voice is shaking. Are you sure you're okay?"

"Uh, yeah. I'm fine... ah."

Now, she couldn't even meet my gaze, and her sky-blue irises were vibrating intensely. Her lips were trembling, too.

I knew the reason why she didn't want to go to the mansion, even though she was displaying such behavior. It was undoubtedly because of me. She had become a knight to be with me at the academy, after all. A woman in love could be so fragile.


"I'm, I'm fine, you don't have to worry."


I sighed as Adelia repeated the same words over and over. It seemed like she had no intention of returning to the mansion at all. Persuasion only works when the other person is willing to listen, and stubbornly insisting like this was pointless.

In that case, there was only one thing left to do. To alleviate her trauma even slightly and make it possible for her to lead a normal life.

'But that's not as easy as it sounds...'

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