Chapter 177: Trap (1)

Start from the beginning

Afterward, Kalas and Mael also concealed their bodies using magic. They did not forget to use stealth spells to avoid detection.

"Still, be cautious. Hide your footsteps. We will communicate through telepathy from now on."


In this way, the three elves activated their concealment magic and infiltrated the mansion. To prepare for any unforeseen circumstances, they effortlessly leaped over the walls with their superior physical abilities instead of using conspicuous mana-intensive teleportation.

The fact that elves no longer engaged in dirty deeds wasn't only a thing of the distant past. However, their behavior was different when it was for the "greater good." This greater good meant that Xenon possessed dangerously powerful knowledge. Until now, they could have dismissed the novel as just a novel, but now they had a compelling reason to act.

Despite the warning from the gods not to intervene, they had only come to verify and "persuade," with no intention of doing what was warned against.

[It seems the first floor is occupied by employees.]

[I don't notice anything particularly suspicious.]

[This room is the same.]

The elves communicated through telepathy.

The first floor of the mansion served as both the employee quarters and a dining area with a lounge. There were employees patrolling with lamps, but they couldn't detect the elves.

After a short time, thoroughly examining every corner of the first floor without finding anything, the elf tracking party proceeded to the second floor. The second floor housed not employees but family members, including the lord.

Kalas inspected the first floor just in case, but he had already anticipated that there was a high probability of finding clues on the second floor. Therefore, he planned to examine the second floor more closely.

[I'll check the lord's office and bedroom. You guys start searching from other places.]



After giving instructions to his subordinates, Kalas moved towards the room that was presumed to be the lord's bedroom. Usually, rooms associated with the lord had not just one but two doors attached.

Soon, Kalas arrived at a place where two doors were side by side. He used magic to sense if anyone was inside. Seeing that there was no one, he assumed it was the office.

'But I feel like I've heard the name Michelle somewhere before...'

Before entering, Kalas pondered over the Michelle family. He was sure he had heard it somewhere, but he couldn't recall the details.

Due to his characteristic as an elf, Kalas remembered things very well. He could remember what he had for breakfast ten years ago, let alone a name.

He rarely forgot a name he had heard, but for some reason, he couldn't remember where he heard about Michelle. In most cases, it would have been a passing rumor.

'I should investigate first.'

Kalas teleported a short distance and entered the office. He looked around. As expected, it was the lord's office, where the lord handled his official business.

The office was generally ordinary, from the distinct smell of paper to the desk placed in the center.

With confidence coming from somewhere, he hoped there might be clues here. With an excited heart, Kalas smiled and walked briskly towards the desk.

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