Chapter 162: Back to Helium (2)

Start from the beginning

"I don't know if it's because I'm human, but you seem quite old. Among demons, you would be considered young, right?"

"I'm a rookie among rookies who have recently become adults. Especially among demons, there is a culture of respect for the older ones, so in reality, I am still young."

The reason why elder demons are respected is probably because they have not turned into devils over all those long years. Still, a hundred years is unimaginably long.

I quietly observed the people of Helium wandering the streets. Their faces bloomed with smiles, and children were running around on the streets.

As I felt before, Helium was bright and lively. It wasn't a place where devils live, it was just a place where people with horns live.

Was it the same even before the publication of Xenon's Biography? While I glanced at a demon child that was happily walking holding their parents' hands and asked Gartz.

"Mr. Gartz."


"Was Helium this bright even before Xenon's Biography came out?"

In response to my calm question, Gartz answered in his characteristic blunt tone.

"It was bright indeed. But unknowingly, we carried fear with us. No matter how much patience we cultivated or lived positively, the evil within us was a practical threat to the demons."

"... ..."

"But not anymore. Now we have gained the courage to face it head-on instead of avoiding evil. We have gained the confidence that we can do it and took pride in not yielding to our inner evil."

If the previous Helium had some defense mechanism to avoid threats, now it is genuinely bright. There is a difference between a pure smile and a smile with intention. And the citizens of Helium are now enjoying life with pure smiles.

"... Huh?"

"... ..."

While feeling a sense of inexplicable pride, just as I raised the corners of my mouth, I suddenly felt a presence beside me. When I turned my head, there was a little girl standing quietly.

Long curly hair, red eyes, and a tightly clutched pink rabbit doll. She had horns similar to Gartz, but they were much smaller in size.

She was a little lady who truly deserves the adjective "cute like a doll," and she was staring at me intently. I blinked my eyes and greeted the girl who had silently approached me with a warm smile.



As I greeted her warmly, the girl seemed startled and took a step back. Clutching her rabbit doll tightly, she exuded an irresistible charm.

Then, as if sensing my curiosity, she pointed at me with her finger and exclaimed,



"My mom said that it's dangerous if black turns into red! Our hair is black, but yours is red!"

Is she seeing a human for the first time? Recently, there has been an increase in visits from different species to Helium, but it's possible that she's encountering one for the first time.

It seems she's under the misconception that all demons have black hair, and she believes I'm a danger due to my red hair. Perhaps that assumption only applies to horns, and hair color doesn't matter. With a gentle smile, I momentarily tugged on Gartz, who was trying to move forward, and continued the conversation with the girl.

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