Chapter 136: In Alvenheim (1)

Start from the beginning

"What about Cecily? Cecily is a demon, right? It seems like it would be even worse for her than us."

"I'm worried about that too. She managed to get the entry permit, but I'm not sure what will happen after that. Apparently, demons have never set foot in Alvenheim before."

Marie expressed her concerns with a voice full of worry. In reality, regardless of which country it was, "official" entry for demons was nearly impossible. Most of them resorted to illegal entry, and Helium had enforced a semi-closed-door policy.

The situation improved significantly after Xenon's Biography, but there were still tensions with Alvenheim. Even if they allowed entry on the surface, nobody knew what was happening internally.

Because of this, I worried that Cecily might face discriminatory treatment in Alvenheim. However, if that were to happen, it would escalate into a serious diplomatic issue. Obtaining permission to enter was equivalent to officially stating the intention to visit.

Not only Alvenheim but also the Minerva Empire had long spread rumors. They knew that both Rina and Marie, including myself, were going to visit Alvenheim to witness Arwen's speech to the nation.

By the way, Rina and Marie were introduced as a princess and the next duchess respectively, while I was introduced as Marie's fiancé. It was only natural for Marie to smile with joy upon hearing that.

"Still, don't worry too much. If that happens, it will only tarnish Alvenheim's reputation. Besides, we are planning to stay at a nearby inn."

"Are we going to stay at the inn all the time? Don't you want to go out and explore?"

"If you want to, it's fine. But I'm not sure if that's possible. After all, you and I will be sharing the same room."

"... ..."

As soon as I mentioned sharing the same room, Marie's face turned red in an instant. Yet, she tightly held my hand, representing her desire implicitly.

I smiled and gave her a reassuring squeeze, as if I could understand her inner thoughts without saying a word. Marie let out her characteristic tickling laughter and looked delighted.

Although it was a joking remark, considering the infamous entry procedures of Alvenheim and our exhausted bodies, it seemed like we would need to rest at an inn for a day. Just in case, I had brought along books and notebooks.

"Now, let's go. They said everything has already been arranged inside. We just need to stand on the magic circle."

"When we move, we start the entry procedures there, right?"

"Yes. It won't be as strict as its reputation suggests, so don't worry. We are nobles, after all. Our identities are already guaranteed."

"Got it. But, Rina, have you been to Alvenheim before?"

"I went once with my brother. I even met the queen back then."


Visiting Alvenheim was one thing, but hearing about her meeting Arwen was new information. How did Rina end up meeting Arwen?

Seeing the questions on my face, Rina smiled and casually replied.

"I had the opportunity to visit the Alvenheim's Academy just once. It was inside a gigantic tree called the World Tree. It was truly fascinating. I met the queen during that time."

"How was it compared to Halo Academy?"

"It's much better there. I guess it's because the academy was built by the elves themselves. Even a simple spell costs a lot in our budget."

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