Chapter 21: Steam Locomotive (3)

Start from the beginning

After organizing all my thoughts, I took a long breath. I then turned to face Marie and spoke. "So...what?"


"What do you want me to do? Did you have anything you wanted to ask me?"

The subject turned around and returned to the starting point. If Marie was willing to give me such sensitive information, she must have wanted something from me. Marie looked puzzled for a moment at my question, then smiled mischievously. Her confident expression vanished, leaving only shyness.

"It's just...I have an offer for you. Will you accept it?"

"What offer?"

"When the author comes to the mansion, I'll bring you too. You're a fan of Xenon's Saga too. It'd be nice to get a handwritten autograph, don't you think?"

It would be my own autograph...Come to think of it, I didn't have my own special signature in my previous life. If there was anything at all, it was merely my scribbled signature when signing at book events.

But when I heard this offer from Marie, I seriously felt the need to have my own autograph. At the least, it will allow me to be able to prepare for the same situation as now...that is, dealing with impersonators. I think it would be best to include a handwritten autograph for my next manuscript. 'You can't trace a person with just one autograph.'

That was difficult even on Earth with its excellent scientific technology. Even if there is magic, it wouldn't be used for such trivial things.

In any case, I decided to accept her offer. I'm not sure if it's an impersonator or not, but I'd like to watch when the mask is removed. Should I bring popcorn?

"Okay then, I guess I'll accept. What do you want in exchange?"

Marie answered my question in a low voice, keeping a shy face. "Can you teach me some...history?"



"Why all of a sudden? You hate history."


Here's what Mary eventually brought out as her explanation. As we all know, passing a grade requires a specific score in any school setting. So, Marie focused on the particular majors she was interested in while excluding others such as history.

The concept of reviewing knowledge learned from one's own family, she says, is easy for her in her own way. However, after the letter came from her family, the situation changed drastically. It was her father, the Duke of Requilis, who imposed a condition on her.

A condition to score at least 90 points in history. If not, he told her not to even dream of reading Xenon's Saga in the future.

I couldn't understand why he picked only history when she was good at other majors, but after hearing Marie's explanation, I sort of understood.

"Our Requilis family is one that values history. We believe that we can correct the present by reflecting on the mistakes of the past and take the lead in the future. That's why we tend to study history from the old days."

"Is this an ideology that has been passed down from generation to generation?"


"Hmm..." I was amazed. I knew from the beginning that the concept was well embedded in some cultures, but the Requilis family was even wiser and more fanatic than that. This was the reason why the family remained strong even after hundreds of years had passed since the founding of the Minerva Empire.

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