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Milile pov:

Pule and my mom have been hogging the boys since we arrived and dad can't stay away from his granddaughters including Nasi who has been his tail and not spared us a single look. I haven't even properly met Pule's daughter because dad doesn't want to share the girls. I'm currently cuddling my little brother who isn't so small anymore.

Dad: "I think we have enough babies to open a creche now huh?!" we all laugh

Mah: "And please if ever they ask about your little brother, he isn't ours but our grandson."

Pule: "Aybo sis! Njani?!"

Dad: "How are you two going to cope with 4 new borns and a kid anyway?"

Me: "Well Nqubeko's mom is moving in with us for a while until we find a nanny. I'm just not comfortable or ready to leave my babies in the care of a stranger."

Pule: "Oh i understand you there! Ntokozo insists on it and i'm not sure about a nanny."

Mah: "You don't have a choice sweetheart, you have to go back to work in a few weeks. I am not looking after any babies unless they grown like my Nasi Nasi." she says lightly pinching Nasi's cheeks.

Dad: "And Pule, that boy better make things right soon."

Pule: "He will, dad."

Dad: "Wena, your vat n sit should end. That house house you busy playing with that boy isn't going to work."

Me: "Aybo baba, but he did the right things nje."

Dad: "Yes but it ends there! He paid his debts, now he has to officiate the marriage so when is it going to happen?"

Me: "I don't know babah! We still have to talk about it."

Mah: "Well, if ever you need my help then come to me so we will okay around some ideas."

Me: "Yes ma'am."

Later on, Nqubeko comes to fetch us and drove us straight home. Luckily he had already made supper so all we had to do was to bath all the kids, feed them and put them to sleep. MaNgcobo was to arrive tomorrow morning and I really couldn't wait because Nqubeko doesn't really help that much.

Nqubeko: "Baby." he says walking into the lounge as I was busy feeding a sleepy Nasi.

Me: "mmh?"

Nqubeko: "We need to talk."

Me: "Mm.hm?" I glance at him once then continue with Nasi. Nasi falls asleep while eating and Nqubeko goes to put her to bed then comes back to join me.

Nqubeko: "We need to officially get married now. I mean Home Affairs kind of marriage baby." I chuckle.

Me: "Have you been speaking to my father?" he chuckles too.

Nqubeko: "Yeah?"

Me: Okay when do you think is the right time?"

Nqubeko: "So you not leaving me anymore? Like for real, for real?"

Me: "Yes baby! I would never dream of it, i was just overwhelmed by everything and I guess my hormones had to do with it that time."

Nqubeko: "I was really scared that you'd not want to be with me anymore. Baby, I promise to be a real partner from here on."

Me: "I'd appreciate that very much baby."

Nqubeko: "I love you." he kisses me.

Me: "I love you too" I mumble against his lips.



We are close to finishing this story, I think we have one or two more inserts left.

Thank you so much for the love and support.

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